Defense Date


Graduation Date

Winter 12-15-2023

Submission Type

DNP Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program


School of Nursing

Faculty Mentor

Catherine Johnson


hypertension, telehealth, telemedicine, and self-care management of chronic illnesses


Hypertension (HTN) can lead to heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States for men, women, and most racial and ethnic groups. Evidence-based practice supports early recognition of available self-care management (SCM) modalities to impact hypertension improvement and medication adherence. Best practices for heart disease prevention and management include lifestyle modification, reducing out-of-pocket costs, self-management support and education, and self-measured blood pressure monitoring. Successful evidence-based approaches within literature have addressed the modalities and successful outcomes.

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) is a quality standard of The Institute of Health Improvement (IHI) was used to conduct this project to improve hypertension, including self-knowledge questionnaires, telehealth utilization, and a hypertension diagnosis code from electronic health records (EHR). The results of this quality improvement program demonstrated that the combination use of self-care knowledge assessments identified areas contributing to hypertension. In telehealth care, blood pressure (BP) readings improved and were clinically significant. The analysis and recommendations provided information to consider continuation of a SCM program to improve patient outcomes of hypertension, including patient education and access to telehealth.

Keywords: hypertension, telehealth, telemedicine, and self-care management of chronic illnesses.



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