Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 8-10-2024


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Dr. David Delmonico

Committee Member

Dr. Matthew Joseph

Committee Member

Dr. Amy Olson


self-efficacy toward teaching, critical thinking dispositions, supervision of teaching, counselor education, doctoral students


According to the 2024 CACREP Standards (2023), “ethical behavior, diversity, equity, inclusion, and critical thinking” are essential for counselor preparation. Thus, doctoral students must be equipped to teach and incorporate “culturally sustaining content and strategies across the eight foundational curriculum areas” into counselor training upon graduation (Section 3, p.12). Given the increase in counselor education programs (Field et al., 2020) and the need for self-efficacious counselor educators (Association for Counselor Education and Supervision [ACES] Teaching Initiative Taskforce, 2016) in these programs to teach the next generation of counselors-in-training, there is a continuous need in the literature for research on self-efficacy toward teaching among doctoral students. The present study examined factors that impact self-efficacy in teaching among 85 doctoral students enrolled in CACREP-accredited Counselor Education and Supervision programs. Doctoral students were recruited through various avenues such as CESNET-L, direct email requests through CACREP liaisons and program directors, and using advertisement cards to distribute QR codes that provided access to the survey at the Association for Specialists in Group Work (AGSW) conference in Portland, Oregon. Contrary to expectations, higher levels of critical thinking dispositions did not suggest increased self-efficacy toward teaching. However, hours of supervision of teaching moderated this relationship as individuals who reported lower supervision of teaching also seemed to experience lower levels of self-efficacy toward teaching. Results from the study also indicated that the quality of supervision of teaching received did not moderate the relationship between critical thinking dispositions and self-efficacy toward teaching. This study can provide valuable insights into pedagogical teaching approaches by examining the role of critical thinking dispositions in counselor education and serve as a foundation for future research. These findings will further help counselor educators better support CES doctoral students who have aspirations for teaching.


