Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 8-10-2024


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Chemistry and Biochemistry


School of Science and Engineering

Committee Chair

Michael van Stipdonk

Committee Member

Michael Cascio

Committee Member

Paul Lummis

Committee Member

Partha Basu


Gas-phase, Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Copper, Uranium, Alkaline Earth Metal


The nature of chemical interactions can be difficult to ascertain in the condensed phase; chemistry can be observed, but with the plethora of variables such as solvation, mixes of counter-ions, and complex equilibria, the true intrinsic chemical properties of a given chemical species may be obfuscated. By conducting research in the gas-phase, many of these variables can be reduced, if not eliminated entirely, which can allow for the careful observation of the true physical phenomena driving chemical reactivity.

The research presented herein focuses on the use of ion-trapping (specifically in a linear ion trap) as a method for unveiling the intrinsic chemistry of gaseous ions. The ion trap as a platform for this research provides a mechanism for inducing exergonic reactions by providing energy to the trapped species, and also a method of observing spontaneous (endergonic) reactions by allowing ions to interact with neutral molecules. A series of experiments are presented which highlight the methods available for the interrogation of gas-phase ions, showing how one may determine the composition, reactivity, and structure of both known and unknown species. These methods include isotopic substitution experiments, collection of high mass-accuracy measurements of the ions’ m/z, observation of reactions with adventitious neutral molecules, introduction of specific neutral molecules to observe reactivity, and the use of theoretical calculations such as density functional theory and natural bonding orbital theory. Data is presented on a range of metal-centered species is shown, specifically focusing on copper-, uranium-, calcium-, strontium-, and barium-centered complexes.

The development of a technique specific to the instrumentation discussed in this work for the measurement of kinetic data is also presented. Ideas for future work which can be based around the conclusions and methods of this work are also presented.



Additional Citations

1. Metzler, L. J.; Koehler, S.; Somogyi, Á.; Van Stipdonk, M. J., Formation of [Cu (CO2)(CH3OH)]+ and [Cu (N2)(CH3OH)]+ by gas-phase dissociation and exchange reactions. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2019, 436, 1-6.

2. Van Stipdonk, M. J.; Tatosian, I. J.; Iacovino, A. C.; Bubas, A. R.; Metzler, L.; Sherman, M. C.; Somogyi, A., Gas-phase deconstruction of UO22+: Mass spectrometry evidence for generation of [OUVICH]+ by collision-induced dissociation of [UVIO2(C≡CH)]+. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom 2019, 30, 796-805.

3. Metzler, L. J.; Farmen, C. T.; Corcovilos, T. A.; Stipdonk, M. J., Intrinsic Chemistry of [OUCH]+: Reactions with H2O, CH3C≡N and O2. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2021, 23, 4475-4479.

4. Metzler, L. J.; Farmen, C. T.; Fry, A. N.; Seibert, M. P.; Massari, K. A.; Corcovilos, T. A.; Van Stipdonk, M. J., Intrinsic reactivity of [OUCH]+ : Apparent synthesis of [OUS]+ by reaction with CS2. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2022, 36 (8), e9260.
