Presenter Information

Author: Samiya Henry1, 2

Faculty Advisor: Dr. William M. Wright IV, Ph.D.2

1Duquesne University, Department of Physics, Pittsburgh, PA 15282

2Duquesne University, Department of Catholic Studies and Theology, Pittsburgh, PA 15282


Genesis 1:1 states “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This is the defining statement in the Bible and acts as the foundation of creation and God’s power in the Christian faith. On the other hand, many scientists believe the Big Bang Theory and the discoveries made in other fields of science solely define the creation of the universe and explain life as we know it, also disproving the Christian creation story and the overall existence of God. However, the exact opposite is true; God is science.

Alone, neither of these concepts (faith and science) fully solve the mysteries surrounding our universe, who we are, and how we came to be. These mysteries create a bridge that unite faith and science that lead us down a path of discovering what happened 13.8 billion years ago. Instead of furthering the war between these two worlds (i.e. faith and science), “In the Beginning…” is a project that will focus on establishing the duality of these two complex concepts in a way that reveals the roots of the Christian faith within the realm of science and its proven theories. Only then, when the connection between these two concepts is understood, will we be able to solve the world’s greatest mysteries without having to disregard our faith or our love for science.


Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences; McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts


Dr. William M. Wright IV, Ph.D.

Submission Type


Publication Date



Apr 19th, 12:00 AM

"In the Beginning, God Created Atoms"

Genesis 1:1 states “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This is the defining statement in the Bible and acts as the foundation of creation and God’s power in the Christian faith. On the other hand, many scientists believe the Big Bang Theory and the discoveries made in other fields of science solely define the creation of the universe and explain life as we know it, also disproving the Christian creation story and the overall existence of God. However, the exact opposite is true; God is science.

Alone, neither of these concepts (faith and science) fully solve the mysteries surrounding our universe, who we are, and how we came to be. These mysteries create a bridge that unite faith and science that lead us down a path of discovering what happened 13.8 billion years ago. Instead of furthering the war between these two worlds (i.e. faith and science), “In the Beginning…” is a project that will focus on establishing the duality of these two complex concepts in a way that reveals the roots of the Christian faith within the realm of science and its proven theories. Only then, when the connection between these two concepts is understood, will we be able to solve the world’s greatest mysteries without having to disregard our faith or our love for science.


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