Anthologie Spiritaine
Selected works of Claude-François Poullart des Places and François-Marie-Paul Libermann.
Full Text
A Spiritan Anthology (Full Text), Christian de Mare CSSp
Front Matter
Front Matter, Christian de Mare CSSp
Introduction to the Anthology, Christian de Mare CSSp
Preface, Christian de Mare CSSp
00. Chronology of the life of Claude-François Poullart des Places, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Pierre Thomas - the first witness, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. Charles Besnard: The Life of Louis Grignon de Montfort, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Reflections on the Truths of Religion made during a Retreat by someone thinking about a conversion, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. Choice of a state of life, Christian de Mare CSSp
05. Charles Besnard (continued), Christian de Mare CSSp
06. Fragments of a Personal Rule, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. Charles Besnard (continued), Christian de Mare CSSp
08. "Reflections on The Past (1704-1705), Christian de Mare CSSp
09. Charles Besnard (continued), Christian de Mare CSSp
10. Charles Besnard (continued), Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter I
00. Libermann and his personal story, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Jacob's doubts regarding the Bible, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. An account of Libermann's conversion, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Trusting acceptance of sickness, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. Libermann's spiritual growth after his baptism, Christian de Mare CSSp
05. On suffering during sickness, Christian de Mare CSSp
06. The dark night of the soul, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. Libermann's ordeal at Rennes, Christian de Mare CSSp
08. Extracts from the Memorandum of Fr. Tisserant: The Work for the Black People, Christian de Mare CSSp
09. More extracts from the memorandum of Fr. Tisserant: the missionary vocation of Francis Libermann, Christian de Mare CSSp
10. The road to Rome: fear of the unknown, Christian de Mare CSSp
11. Commentary on the Gospel according to Saint John, Christian de Mare CSSp
12. Editions and studies of the Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, Christian de Mare CSSp
13. Commentary on the Gospel of Saint John: Libermann's prayers, Christian de Mare CSSp
14. Solitary life in Rome, Christian de Mare CSSp
15. On the evening of his Ordination, Christian de Mare CSSp
16. The hidden cost of missionary work, Christian de Mare CSSp
17. Dealing with obstacles and nervous disorders, Christian de Mare CSSp
18. Social Problems and the Justice of God, Christian de Mare CSSp
19. The last words of Francis Libermann on his Deathbed, Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter II
00. Libermann, a spiritual guide, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Simple advice for the spiritual life, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. A real spirit of prayer, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Advice on guiding vocations, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. Correct spiritual guidance, Christian de Mare CSSp
05. Spiritual help that respects the gifts given to each individual, Christian de Mare CSSp
06. The longest text of Libermann on devotion to the Virgin Mary, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. Discerning the action of the Holy Spirit, Christian de Mare CSSp
08. Apostolic life, character and prayer, Christian de Mare CSSp
09. Giving oneself up to the Spirit, Christian de Mare CSSp
10. A false idea of maturity, Christian de Mare CSSp
11. The last conferences of Libermann given at the novitiate of Notre-Dame du Gard, Christian de Mare CSSp
12. Advice on prayer to his nephew, Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter III
00. Libermann, the builder of the missionary spirit, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Community life is absolutely essential for such a long and difficult work, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. To the Community at Cape Palmas, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. If we only undertake what is easy, what would become of the Church?, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. To the Community at Cape Palmas, Christian de Mare CSSp
05. Reaction to the "Guinea Disaster", Christian de Mare CSSp
06. Answering the calls of Mission, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. We are just a bunch of nobodies, Christian de Mare CSSp
08. Advice before undertaking a missionary venture, Christian de Mare CSSp
09. The Blessed Virgin in the Provisional Rule of Life for the Missionaries of the Holy Heart of Mary, Christian de Mare CSSp
10. Missionary advice to Mother Marie Amélie de Villeneuve, Christian de Mare CSSp
11. A missionary charter, Christian de Mare CSSp
12. Regarding relations between missionaries and the colonial authorities, Christian de Mare CSSp
13. The Mission and the Colonial Authorities, Christian de Mare CSSp
14.The Missionary is to be faithful to God, his confreres and those in his care, Christian de Mare CSSp
15. To Eliman, the King of Dakar, Christian de Mare CSSp
16. We must examine the Mission entrusted to us and persevere with it, Christian de Mare CSSp
17. Instructions to Missionaries, Christian de Mare CSSp
18. Be holy as Jesus was holy, Christian de Mare CSSp
19. Holiness rather than enthusiasm, Christian de Mare CSSp
20. Commitment to community life is a priority, Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter IV
00. Libermann, an Architect of Mission, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Memorandum of Fr. Le Vavasseur on the projected 'Work for the Black People', Christian de Mare CSSp
02. Memorandum presented by Fr. Libermann to Bishop Cadolini, Secretary of the Propaganda Fide, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Plan for the salvation of the peoples of the African Coast, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. Mission must be built up through dialogue, Christian de Mare CSSp
05.The Church in Haiti and the aim of the mission, Christian de Mare CSSp
06. Presentation of a Memorandum on the Black Missions in general and that of Guinea in particular, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. Memorandum on the Black Missions in general and that of Guinea in particular, Christian de Mare CSSp
08. A contract between Bishop Truffet, Vicar Apostolic of the Two Guineas and Fr. Francis Libermann, Superior General of the Missionaries of the Holy Heart of Mary, Christian de Mare CSSp
09. The role of Bishops in the Mission of the Congregation, Christian de Mare CSSp
10. Memorandum of François Libermann to the Bishops of Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion, Christian de Mare CSSp
11. Works of the Congregation in Europe, Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter V
00. Libermann, a leader of men, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. People must be led freely, with kindness and flexibility, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. Moderation in judgements and decisions, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Calming the excesses of impetuous temperaments, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. The art of leading a community, Christian de Mare CSSp
05. The key to educating young Africans, Christian de Mare CSSp
06. Teaching a young seminarian to develop a strong character, Christian de Mare CSSp
07. Educating young bishops, Christian de Mare CSSp
08. Advice on financial administration, Christian de Mare CSSp
09. When a missionary can no longer work because of sickness, Christian de Mare CSSp
10. Faith-filled words for a dying person, Christian de Mare CSSp
11. Supporting a Superior who has a difficult confrere in his community, Christian de Mare CSSp
Chapter VI
00. Libermann and Apostolic Communities, Christian de Mare CSSp
01. Ecclesiastical authority and the Religious Charism, Christian de Mare CSSp
02. The Provisional Rule of the Missionaries of the Holy Heart of Mary, Christian de Mare CSSp
03. Bishops and Missionary Congregations, Christian de Mare CSSp
04. News from France and advice to the missionaries in West Africa, Christian de Mare CSSp