
Duquesne Law Review


John W. Hager


The title of this article may imply to some readers that the subject matter of its contents will prove to be a broad, comprehensive, and analytical study of all phases of Soviet legal education. No such implication is intended by the particular title selected, and lest the reader be disappointed at a later point, he is warned here that any broad, all-inclusive inferences drawn from the title are neither accurate nor will they be justified by what follows. The author's purposes are much less ambitious and much more limited in number and in scope. By this article he proposes to accomplish three things, namely: (1) to give a relatively brief, purely descriptive account of Soviet legal education as it exists today to serve merely as an informational background to the analysis which follows such account; (2) to analyze the trends in Soviet legal education, as one segment of an exceedingly complex culture, from the Revolution to the present time to ascertain the jurisprudential, philosophical, and sociological aims and purposes which the Soviets seek to serve by legal education; and (3) to ascertain within the restrictive limits imposed upon any type of comparative law study how effective Soviet legal education is in fulfilling the aims and purposes which are sought to be served.

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