Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 5-14-2022


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Matthew Joseph

Committee Member

Gibbs Kanyongo

Committee Member

Yih-Hsing Liu


teaching, self-efficacy, preparation, counselor education, supervision, doctoral students, adjunct, teaching inventory, bachelor's degree, master's degree


This quantitative study examined factors of internal preparation practices (i.e., coursework in college teaching, fieldwork in college teaching, and frequency of supervision) and external pedagogical experiences (i.e., holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree in teaching and adjunct faculty experiences in higher education) and their potential effects on teaching self-efficacy among counselor education and supervision doctoral students. This study identified both significant and non-significant relationships between the stated variables. Contrary to previous research (Suddeath et al., 2020), internal preparation practices did not significantly predict scores of teaching self-efficacy among this population. However, the findings suggest that participants holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree in teaching may experience a significant variation in teaching self-efficacy scores as compared to those without these educational experiences. Finally, adjunct faculty experiences in higher education were not found significant in predicting teaching self-efficacy but the model displayed a meaningful effect size which may call for further research. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis on the instrument used within this study (the Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching Inventory; Tollerud, 1990) revealed a 31-item, five-factor model explaining 69.9% of the variance. Implications for the field of counselor education and the practice of pedagogy are provided, as well as limitations of the current study and potential directions for future research.


