The Life of the Venerable Francis Mary Paul Libermann, Founder of the Congregation of the Holy Heart the Holy Heart of Mary
Prosper Goepfert
Index -- Dedication -- (p. 3) -- Preface by His Grace the Most Reverend Dr. Croke, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly -- (p. 5) -- Letter of the Very Reverend Father Schwindenhammer, Superior-General -- (p..
more »Index -- Dedication -- (p. 3) -- Preface by His Grace the Most Reverend Dr. Croke, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly -- (p. 5) -- Letter of the Very Reverend Father Schwindenhammer, Superior-General -- (p. 15) -- Protestation -- (p. 16) -- Part I: M. Libermann, a Jew; his conversion-from his birth to his baptism, 1804-1826 -- Chapter I: Jacob Libermann's birth and early years at Saverne, 1804-1823 -- (p. 17) -- Chapter II: Conversion of Samson Libermann, 1818-1824 -- (p. 25) -- Chapter III: Jacob Libermann, a student at Metz, 1823-1826 -- (p. 37) -- Chapter IV: M. Libermann's conversion, as related by himself, 1824-1826 -- (p. 46) -- Chapter V: M. Libermann's baptism and first communion at the College-Stanislaus, in Paris, 1826 -- (p. 53) -- Part II: M. Libermann, a Christian and an ecclesiastical student: from his baptism to the origin of his society, 1826-1836 -- Chapter I: M. Libermann, a student at the College-Stanislaus-his first five years at the Seminary of Saint-Sulpice, 1826-1832 -- (p. 60) -- Chapter II: M. Libermann's sickness and other trials at Saint-Sulpice, 1827-1832 -- (p. 82) -- Chapter III: M. Libermann at the Seminary of Issy; his interior conflicts, 1832-1837 -- (p. 98) -- Chapter IV: M. Libermann's apostolate in his family, 1826-1852 -- (p. 110) -- Chapter V: M. Libermann's wonderful apostolate at the Seminary of Issy, 1833-1837 -- (p. 125) -- Chapter VI: M. Libermann's wonderful apostolate at the Seminary of Issy (cont.), 1833-1837 -- (p. 141) -- Part III: M. Libermann, Founder of the Society of the Holy Heart of Mary, from the origin of the Society to his ordination to the priesthood, 1836-1841 -- Chapter I: M. Libermann and his first disciples, MM. Le Vavasseur and Tisserand, 1836-1837 -- (p. 161) -- Chapter II: M. Libermann though only a simple acolyte is Master of Novices at Rennes, 1837-1839 -- (p. 178) -- Chapter III: The Society of the Venerable Libermann and Our Lady of Victories, 1838 -- (p. 195) -- Chapter IV: M. Libermann's journey to Rome, December, 1839, January, 1840 -- (p. 210) -- Chapter V: MM. Libermann and de la Bruniere: their journey to Rome, December 1839, January, 1840 -- (p. 228) -- Chapter VI: M. Libermann's sojourn in Rome, 1840-1841 -- (p. 240) -- Chapter VII: M. Libermann's sojourn in Rome (cont.); writing of the rules; difficulties and success; pilgrimage to Loretto, 1840-1841 -- (p. 258) -- Chapter VIII: M. Libermann at the Seminary of Strasburg: MM. Ignatius Schwindenhammer and James Desire Laval, 1841 -- (p. 279) -- Part IV: M. Libermann a priest and founder-from his ordination to the priesthood to his death, 1841-1852 -- Chapter I: M. Libermann's ordination and first Mass at Amiens; and his second Mass at Notre Dame des Victoires-the cradle of the congregation at La Neuville-les-Amiens, 1841-1846 -- (p. 293) -- Chapter II: The Venerable Founder the Living Rule of his community, and the model of all religious virtues at La Neuville, 1841-1846 -- (p. 307) -- Chapter III: Missions confided to the Infant Society: Mauritius, Bourbon, Haiti, Australia, and Guiana, 1841-1880 -- (p. 322) -- Chapter IV: The missions of Africa to the year 1880 -- (p. 342) -- Chapter V: The missions of Africa (cont.) -- (p. 359) -- Chapter VI: Development of the New Society in France, 1841-1848 -- (p. 376) -- Chapter VII: the Society of the Holy Ghost from its foundation to its dispersion, 1703-1793 -- (p. 390) -- Chapter VIII: The Society of the Holy Ghost, from its restoration, 1805, to the year 1848 -- (p. 402) -- Chapter IX: The Congregations of the Holy Ghost and of the Holy Heart of Mary united in one-the Venerable Libermann first Superior-General, 1848-1852 -- (p. 413) -- Chapter X: The Venerable Libermann as Director of Souls-his letters and other writings -- (p. 433) -- Chapter XI: The Venerable Libermann's last illness and death, 1852 -- (p. 453) -- Part V: the virtues and devotions of the Venerable Libermann-history of his society to the year 1880 -- Chapter I: The virtues and devotions of the Venerable Libermann; his theological virtues -- (p. 470) -- Chapter II: The virtues and devotions of the Venerable Libermann (cont.): his cardinal and religious virtues -- (p. 484) -- Chapter III: Progress of the Society since the death of its saintly founder, 1852-1880 -- (p. 501) -- Chapter IV: Translation of the Venerable Libermann's mortal remains, from Notre Dame du Gard, near Amiens, to Chevilly, near Paris, 1865 -- (p. 517) -- Chapter V: Process of the Ordinary: Introduction of the Cause: Father Libermann is declared Venerable, 1852-1880 -- (p. 527)
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