Contents 1. Of the race of Israel, a Hebrew born of Hebrew parents (p.3-14) 2. No Future (p.15-26) 3. The Spiritual Master (p.27-44) 4. Final Purifications (p.45-56) 5. “Here I am, Send Me” (p.57-70)..
Contents 1. Of the race of Israel, a Hebrew born of Hebrew parents (p.3-14) 2. No Future (p.15-26) 3. The Spiritual Master (p.27-44) 4. Final Purifications (p.45-56) 5. “Here I am, Send Me” (p.57-70) 6. Found of the Work for the Blacks (p.71-90) 7. First Missions (p.91- 102) 8. Prodigious Activity at the Service of the Poorest (p.103-116) 9. Mystic and Man of Action (p.117-128) 10. God is All, Man is Nothing (p.129-136) 11. Principal dates in Fr. Libermann’s Life (p.137) 12. References (p.138) 13. Contents (p.139-144)