Duquesne Law Review
Front Matter
Medical Malpractice Actions Basd on Lack of Informed Consent in "Full-Disclosure" Jurisdictions: The Enigmatic Affirmative Defense
David E. Seidelson
The Reform of Federal Habeas Corpus in Capital Cases
Jerome J. Kaharick
Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents to Patent Infringement Cases: A Patent Practitioner's Dilemma
Thomas J. Edgington
Strict Liability Claims against Hospitals under 402A
Melissa Moore
Lending with Guaranties after Deprizio - Lenders, Guard Your Coffers; the Courts and Trustees Are at the Gate
Timothy S. Johnson
Recent Decisions
Constitutional Law - First Amendment - Religion Clauses - State Regulation of Religious Organizations
Stephen Paul Paschall
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - Citizen Suits Provision - Sixty-Day Notice and Delay Requirement
Cheryl Kaminski
Choice of Law - Change in Venue - Federal Courts
George S. Hickmann