Duquesne Law Review
Judicial Independence
Front Matter
Remarks by Hugh M. Caperton
Hugh M. Caperton
"A Fair Trial in a Fair Tribunal": A Preface to the Petitioners' Brief in Capterton v. Massey
Theodore B. Olson and Amir C. Tayrani
On Harman: Prefatory Note from Counsel
David B. Fawcett
Hugh M. Caperton, Harman Development Corporation, Harman Mining Corporation, and Sovereign Coal Sales, Inc., v. A. T. Massey Coal Company, Inc., et Al.
David B. Fawcett and Theodore B. Olson
The Media and a "Dependent" Judiciary
C. Darnell Jones II
What's More Important: Electing Judges or Judicial Independence? It's Time for Pennsylvania to Choose Judicial Independence
Shira J. Goodman, Lynn A. Marks, and David Caroline
Judicial Merit-Retention Elections in Pennsylvania
Dareen M. Breslin
Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability: How Judicial Evaluations Can Support and Enhance Both
Clifford E. Haines