Duquesne Law Review
The Death of Eyewitness Testimony and the Rise of Machine
Front Matter
Foreword to the Symposium, The Death of Eyewitness Testimony and the Rise of Machine
Jane Campbell Moriarty and Erin McCluan
The Inscrutability Problem: From First-Generation Forensic Science to Neuroimaging Evidence
Jane Campbell Moriarty
Considering "Machine Testimony": The Impact of Facial Recognition Software on Eyewitness Identifications
Valena Beety
Biometrics and an AI Bill of Rights
Margaret Hu
Ending Manner-of-Death Testimony and Other Opinion Determinations of Crime
Keith A. Findley and Dean A. Strang
Student Articles
On-Screen v. in Person: How a Tech-Savvy World Is Impacting Jurors' Perceptions of Witnesses
Michael T. Deer
From Beyonce to Bohemia: Reforming Joint Copyright Ownership
William Frank Weber