Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 5-9-2024

Submission Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program


School of Nursing

Faculty Mentor

Cynthia Rost


Primary care, mental health services, patient-centered care, rural healthcare, FQHC, Southwestern Pennsylvania, SAD PERSONS, collaborative approach, warm handoffs, ANT, AUDIT, CRAFFT, and mental healthcare disparities


Establishing a robust connection between primary care and mental health services is crucial for fostering a patient-centered healthcare model. This quality improvement project addresses the pressing issue of limited access to mental health services in rural areas of the United States, leading to unmet mental health needs for patients. These challenges were identified within a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Implementing a collaborative care approach seeks to enhance triage practices by facilitating warm handoffs from primary care to mental health providers while integrating an informative triage tool, the SAD PERSONS Scale.

This collaborative approach enhances patient outcomes and promotes cost-effective healthcare, guaranteeing individuals receive thorough care addressing their physical and mental health needs. Qualitative data analysis has revealed areas where patient triage can be enhanced, underscoring the value of assessment tools and collaborative efforts. These results emphasize the importance of adopting a collaborative approach to meet the increasing demand for mental health care and to bridge any existing gaps between primary care and mental health services.

The findings highlighted the significance of implementing a collaborative approach and enhancing triage practices between primary care and mental health services within the FQHC.

Keywords: Primary care, mental health services, patient-centered care, rural healthcare, FQHC, Southwestern Pennsylvania, SAD PERSONS, collaborative approach, warm handoffs, ANT, AUDIT, CRAFFT, and mental healthcare disparities.



Available for download on Tuesday, April 22, 2025

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