Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 5-7-2021

Submission Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program


School of Nursing

Faculty Mentor

Pamela Spigelmyer


falls, fall prevention, community dwelling elderly, STEADI, health confidence, evidence-based fall prevention programs, multi-factorial fall prevention interventions


Falls are a health concern for the elderly and are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal fall injuries in this population (Burns & Lee, 2016). Meijers, et al. (2012) found that one in three community dwelling elderly will experience at least one fall per year with an even higher rate in adults greater than 80 years old. Numbers of falls are expected to increase as this population ages. This increase in falls and their consequences will produce an enormous economic burden on the United States health care system (Burns & Lee, 2016). The purpose of this program was to engage community dwelling elderly in a fall risk reduction program to decrease their fall risk. This program was implemented in an independent living facility. Eighteen residents participated in the “Steady on Your Feet” program. Using the Stop Elderly Accidents Death and Injury (STEADI) algorithm (Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2019), “Stay Independent” (CDC, 2017) fall risk assessment tool, and the development of an individualized action plan, residents were asked to implement their action plan interventions by the program’s completion. The sample was not normally distributed; therefore, the Wilcoxon W statistical test was performed. All measurement outcomes were achieved. Analysis of the fall risk reduction program data pointed toward decreasing fall risk and the data reflected that the intervention was related to the results. This provides confirmation that an evidenced-based multifactorial fall risk reduction program with an individualized action plan supports a decrease in fall risk in community dwelling elderly.

