Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 2009


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program for Education Leaders (IDPEL)


School of Education

Committee Chair

James E. Henderson

Committee Member

Todd Whitman

Committee Member

Theresa Kalm-Williamson

Committee Member

Jane C. Johnson


School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, Positive Behavior Support, Academic Performance, Office Discipline Referrals, Behavior, Positive Reinforcement


Schools continue to face the challenge of how to implement a behavior management plan in which students are not likely to become repeat offenders. Traditional management models that are restrictive and punitive have not been effective in bringing about appropriate student conduct. A non-traditional management strategy to improve student behavior is to develop and implement a comprehensive, school-wide set of strategies to support positive behavior and academic performance for all students that is individually tailored to a school's context. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) occur as part of a three-tiered system. The universal level addresses supports planned and designed for all students within a building. The targeted intervention level consists of strategies for at-risk students who have difficulty meeting behavioral expectations designed for all students. The intensive interventions are designed for students who present severe and challenging behaviors that require individualized supports. This study investigated whether implementing SWPBS improved academic performance and decreased the number of discipline referrals. The cohort studied over a two year period did not indicate an increase in academic performance or a decrease in ODRs. Implementing a school-wide positive behavior support system did not automatically predict an increase in student performance in this study. Knowing this school's staff is committed to this system approach, based upon the S.E.T. evaluation, it is critical to continue to monitor the implementation of this system and its impact on the school community overtime.




