Defense Date


Graduation Date



Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Joseph F. Maola

Committee Member

Emma C. Mosley

Committee Member

Joseph O. Dewey

Committee Member

Maura F. Krushinski


counseling, ethics, supervision, training


The problem to be investigated is to compare counseling supervisors who have formal training in supervision (CFT) to counseling supervisors who have not been formally trained in supervision (CNT) on two dependent variables. The two dependent variables used in this investigation are (1) the perceived importance of having supervisory competencies in order to do their job and (2) the perceived need to have training in these supervisory competencies in order to do their job. This study will extend a study by Dr. Maura Krushinski (2004) that examined the importance of these variables among CFTs and CNTs who were supervising counseling student interns. This study will differ in that it will examine CFTs and CNTs who are supervising counselor practitioners rather than students. The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) is a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA) that has developed the ethical standards and competency standards for the training of counseling supervisors. The Counselor Supervisor Questionnaire (CSQ) was developed, according to ACES competency standards, to determine how important the supervisory competencies are to counseling supervisors. In addition, the instrument also asked how important it is to have training in these competencies. The significance of this study will be to determine if there is a perceived need for supervision training of counseling supervisors in the Children and Adolescent Service System Program. In addition, there will be an opportunity to determine what areas of supervisory competency are perceived to require the most need for training. Counselor educators and employers of counseling supervisors will also benefit from these results. The results indicated the need for both supervisory training as an aspect of a counselor education training programs and counselor education workshops in the workplace. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between the CFT group and the CNT group for the dependent variables. Moreover, there were no discrepancies within the groups between the dependent variables.




