"The Experiences of Registered Nurses Injured by Interpersonal Violence" by Salena Wright-Brown

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 1-1-2017


Worldwide Access

Submission Type


Degree Name





School of Nursing

Committee Chair

Kathleen Sekula

Committee Member

Rick Zoucha

Committee Member

Gordon Gillespie


emergency department violence, healthcare violence, interpersonal violence, Violence, Violence towards nurses


Numerous studies and reports identify the concerning incidence of work place violence directed toward healthcare workers (Centers for Disease Control, 2013; Gerberich et al., 2004; Government Accountability Office, 2016; U.S. Department of Labor, 2016). Despite efforts over the past few years to reduce workplace violence in healthcare facilities and specifically in emergency departments, the incidence of violence has not substantially lessened (Government Accountability Office, 2016). In March, 2016, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that was prepared by congressional request. The GAO found that workers in in-patient healthcare facilities experienced work-place violence that resulted in lost time from work at a rate at least five times higher than workers in other private sector settings. Exposure to violence can have significant effects, including physical, psychological and emotional injury. Among these injuries are burnout, depression, fear, posttraumatic stress disorder, decreased job satisfaction and reduced ability to perform their job duties. Some nurses exposed to violence, reported that they considered leaving the nursing profession and/or the emergency department. Although reports exist concerning the physical and mental impacts of violence on the RN, there is little published about the impact violence has on the job satisfaction or on the descriptive experience of the nurse who experienced the violent injury. The intent of this study was to further explore the impact that violence has on the job satisfaction of registered nurses working in an emergency departments and to explore their intent to stay in the emergency department practice setting. Additionally the study describes the experiences of RNs who have been injured by interpersonal violence while working in an emergency department.




