"The Influence of Conflict Resolution Training On the Reduction of Ethn" by Anna Misiaouli

The Influence of Conflict Resolution Training On the Reduction of Ethnic Prejudice Between Greek and Turkish Cypriot Young Adults

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Fall 1-1-2004


Campus Only

Submission Type


Degree Name



Graduate Center for Social and Public Policy


McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Committee Chair

Matthew L. Schneirov

Committee Member

Richard A. Colignon


conflict resolution, Cypriot young adults, ethnic prejudice, Greek and Turkish


It has been observed that one of the constants in serious discussions about ethnic groups in conflict is the awareness that the parties demonize each other and each other's intention. This mutual misunderstanding is conditioned by lack of contact with and knowledge of each other. Theorists suggest that contact may reshape relationships and may contribute to the knowledge and understanding among members of groups in conflict. Others oppose the concept of contact promoting such knowledge and understanding, since they perceive it as individualistic.

The purpose of this research study is to provide evidence to this multi-facade debate about contact, conflict and conflict resolution. There seems to be a need for far greater awareness that small group contact and training in conflict resolution can be beneficial in many ways. Instead it is a wide gormut of results that vary and sometimes the theory applies differently than expected.

The policy recommendation proposed below might not be recognized as valuable by governmental agencies. However, given individuals or non governmental agencies may combine more than one of these proposed positions within their own conviction. Some may read this work through "the gallery of moral styles" as a way to let conceptual analysis and small sample research results throw more light on concrete choices. This will be fine. It is my hope that this view will help readers to think more about the relationship between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities and to pinpoint the need for a resolution and a settlement rather than a long-standing cease-fire.





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