Defense Date
Graduation Date
Spring 5-10-2019
Immediate Access
Submission Type
Degree Name
Environmental Science and Management (ESM)
Committee Chair
John Stolz
Committee Member
Brady Porter
Committee Member
Daniel Bain
Oil, gas, Ohio, Schnegg
The Utica shale play is the main target for unconventional oil and gas extraction in Ohio. Over 2,000 wells have been drilled since the first in 2011. This rapid expansion has led to concerns over the availability of information and potential environmental impacts. An assessment of readily available data was done through an examination of the ODNR website for oil and gas regulations, permits, spud and completion reports, water usage and waste data, and complaints, as well as brine and de-icer application. Water quality testing of an exceptional warm water tributary in the Captina Creek watershed in Belmont County, Ohio indicated no lingering effects a year after the Schnegg well blowout. Lastly, the de-icing product AquaSalina® was analyzed. In addition to Na, Cl, Mg, and Ca, it was found to contain high concentrations of Br, Fe, Mn, As, Se, Sr, and Ba, in addition to 226Ra (600 pCi).
Recommended Citation
Garman, B. (2019). Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction in Ohio: Regulations, Production and Water Quality (Master's thesis, Duquesne University). Retrieved from