"Investigating the Relation between Saudi Teachers’ Self-Perceptions of" by Amnah Albuloushi

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 8-10-2019


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Instructional Technology (EdDIT)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Dr. David D. Carbonara

Committee Member

Dr. Sandra Quinones

Committee Member

Dr. Julia Williams

Committee Member

Dr. Rose Mary Mautino


TPACK, online teaching, pedagogy, educational technology, instructional technology, teacher training, Saudi Arabia


Online education is a relatively new phenomenon in Saudi Arabian universities and best online teaching practices are still gaining ground in teacher training. At one university, which offers degrees primarily through distance education, this study sought to investigate online teachers’ perceptions of their TPACK (only the TK, PK, and TPK domains) as well as analyze their practical application of TPACK knowledge in designing unit plans. The researcher adopted a mixed methods approach to data collection by administering surveys (n=60) and analyzing unit plans (n=60), which were analyzed quantitatively, and conducting interviews (n=6), which were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Survey results showed that teachers demonstrated more confidence in their technological knowledge (TK) than in their pedagogical knowledge (PK) and technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) and these results were affirmed further by interview responses and scores on the unit plan rubrics. Unit plan analysis pointed to a significantly disproportionate usage of Knowledge Building (KB) activities in lesson design, which suggests that said participants are in dire need of stronger more comprehensive teacher training programs which focus on enhancing PK and TPK skill sets. Recommendations are given and implications of poor teacher training programs are discussed.


