Defense Date


Graduation Date

Fall 12-20-2019


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Professional Doctorate in Educational Leadership (ProDEL)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Deborah Scigliano

Committee Member

Carol S. Parke

Committee Member

Amy M. Olson


Self-Efficacy, Virtual Wellness Communities, Goal Attainment, Self-Efficacy to Regulate Exercise, Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Habits


This study explored the effects of a virtual wellness community on the self-efficacy of participants to attain their wellness goals through a mixed-methods design. Eight female participants between the ages of 25-38 completed a pre- and post-survey with 5-point Likert scale questions and open-ended questions before and after participating in a 28-day virtual wellness community. Instruments were developed for this study based off Bandura’s (2006) Self-Efficacy to Regulate Exercise and Bandura’s (2006) Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Habits surveys. Quantitative data were analyzed by summing item level scores and calculating percentages to examine the distribution across the scales, through paired-samples t-tests, mean, mode, and standard deviation scores for the scales, Cohen’s d effect size, and Cronbach’s alpha for scale reliability. Qualitative data were organized and analyzed using Template Analysis.

Key findings from the quantitative data revealed that participant self-efficacy to regulate exercise increased after participation in the virtual wellness community. As for participant self-efficacy to regulate eating habits, there was an increase in total item scores as well as mean and mode scores, but a paired-samples t-test showed no significance and a small effect size. The following major themes emerged from the data: (1) participants were mainly interested in making exercise a healthy habit or routine they could “stick” with when setting goals, (2) participants were primarily concerned with dealing with cravings, (3) even if participants did not attain their goals, they noticed an improvement, and (4) social support and vicarious experiences were important to participant success.


