Defense Date
Graduation Date
Fall 12-16-2022
Immediate Access
Submission Type
Degree Name
Health Care Ethics
McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Committee Chair
Joris Gielen
Committee Member
Gerard Magill
Committee Member
Peter Ikechukwu Osuji
This dissertation will argue for the adoption of a multi-dimensional concept of safety in healthcare to include emotional, psychological and communal health. It will then illustrate how this concept of safety is foundational to a dignity-enhancing ethics of care approach that finds its normative grounding in Reproductive Justice and human capabilities, given that both patient and provider need to feel safe in order to fully engage in a dialogical-interpretive process of care and that caring efforts must strive to be equitable on both interpersonal and structural levels. This framework will then be applied to maternal health, showing how an approach to care with a multi-dimensional concept of safety as its foundation opens up the space to truly care for mothers and infants in ways that helps them flourish. This flourishing should be the goal of maternal care.
Recommended Citation
Balskus, E. (2022). Redefining Safety: A Reproductive Justice Ethics of Care Approach to Maternal Health (Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University). Retrieved from