Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 5-14-2022


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Jered B. Kolbert

Committee Member

Debra Hyatt-Burkhart

Committee Member

David L. Delmonico


school counseling, Twitter, counselor education, professional development, social media, lived experience, phenomenological research


School counselors are often isolated in their role because of the unique nature of their job. Lack of connection, lack of relevant professional development, role ambiguity, high stress, high student-to-school counselor ratios, and lack of professional connections are all contributors to school counselor burnout. School counselors use Twitter, a social media tool, for a variety of purposes. This qualitative phenomenological study explored the lived experience of school counselors who use Twitter to illuminate how and why school counselors use Twitter. This study found that school counselors see the purpose of their Twitter use as professional advocacy, professional connection, and validation. This study also found positive effects of Twitter usage for school counselors’ practice, including learning from other school counselors, sharing what school counselors do with stakeholders, using Twitter as a professional resource, and gaining new perspectives. This study found barriers and disadvantages to Twitter usage for school counselors, including school counselors’ needing to be cognizant of what they post, district policies about Twitter, lack of direction for how to use Twitter, time commitment of Twitter usage, and the sometimes overwhelming nature of Twitter. Implications and insights for future practice are discussed.


