"Connecting Human Dignity, Non-Violence, and Environment for Healthcare" by John Mark Ogu

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Fall 12-17-2021


One-year Embargo

Submission Type


Degree Name



Health Care Ethics


McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Committee Chair

Peter Osuji

Committee Member

Joris Gielen

Committee Member

Gerard Magill


Human dignity, non-violence, environment, health, ethics, Nigeria



Connecting Human Dignity, Non-violence, and Environment in Health Care for Nigeria


John Mark Chinaemerem Ogu

December 2021

Dissertation supervised by Peter Ikechukwu Osuji, Ph.D.

This dissertation presents a global public health ethical approach based on social justice that connects human dignity, non-violence, and the environment in Nigeria. Recently, different places globally are witnessing uprisings and violence; some of these are linked to environmental scarcity. These are threats to global health, peace, development, and security because violence of any type or form is a global public health and security menace and an affront to human dignity. Environmental scarcity, especially the scarcity of renewable resources (arable land, freshwater, and forest) and lousy government policies, deepen preexisting ethnoreligious and political crises in a state, causing security and health threats to the citizens. The security issues associated with these are armed robbery, kidnapping, violence, conflicts, insurgencies, migration, displacement, and unemployment. The health consequences are hunger, food insecurity, disease burden, epidemic, and poverty. These security and health threats make life perilous, causing death, injuries, sicknesses, and mass migration. These are an affront to human dignity and the right to health. Before its independence in 1960, Nigeria has records of violent-conflicts that have maimed, killed, and damaged lives and properties; most of these violent-conflicts are caused by ethnoreligious, political, and economic situations.

However, in recent times, the country is witnessing another form of violent-conflict caused by the scarcity of renewable resources because of population growth, mineral exploration, global warming, and climate change. This form of violent-conflict has deepened the country's preexisting ethnoreligious and political crises, making a living in the country perilous and difficult. This dissertation undertakes a public health ethical and social justice analysis that connects human dignity, non-violence, and the environment to resolve these problems. This approach is consistent with global health policy contained in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) articles 1-17 and Sustainable Development Goals. (SDGs.) These problems may not be unique to Nigeria; however, a public health ethical approach based on social justice is adopted because violence, human dignity, and the environment are public health and social justice issues. The dissertation urges all human beings and Nigerians to embrace non-violence, respect for human dignity and human rights, and the environment. It concludes that the public health ethical approach based on social justice is an excellent tool to solve eco-violence in Nigeria and the global community. It recommends that the Nigerian government and all Nigerians embrace non-violence and implement eco-health policies that prevent violence.



Additional Citations

Chicago Manual
