Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 5-5-2023


One-year Embargo

Submission Type


Degree Name



Health Care Ethics


McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Committee Chair

Dr. Gerard Magill

Committee Member

Dr. Joris Gielen

Committee Member

Dr. Peter Osuji


Health disparities, Social determinants of health, Cultural diversity, Human equity, Human rights, Human dignity, Cultural competency, Population health, Global health, Public health


The dissertation examines how cultural diversity as a social determinant of health, aligned with human life, human dignity, human rights, and human equity provides an ethical contribution. My explanation of the ethical contribution of cultural diversity as a SDOH refers to a quadrant of topics that expands the approach of the UNESCO Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. The UNESCO approach addresses cultural diversity in relation to human dignity and human rights. I adopt a quadrant of topics that aligns human dignity with human life and human rights with equity. Aligning these topics in the quadrant (dignity/life and rights/equity) explains the meaning of cultural diversity as a SDOH.

In the 21st century, diverse cultural contexts can provide meaningful, holistic insights into real-lived experiences which are crucial when serving humanity in healthcare. These insights are important to support healthcare professionals to supply care that meets everyone’s needs within unique social contextual features. Having these care needs met can make a vast difference between providing care versus providing care that is effective and adequate for the real-lived experiences of an individual. The ethical contribution of cultural diversity as a SDOH aligns life with dignity and rights with equity changing the way healthcare is viewed. In a multicultural world, this can support diverse needs, ensuring that the individual gets the care they need despite their differences. In the current and future, the ethical contribution of cultural diversity as a SDOH will be vital to sustaining the flourishing of current and future generations.


