Defense Date
Graduation Date
Summer 8-2023
One-year Embargo
Submission Type
Degree Name
School of Nursing
Committee Chair
Jessica Devido
Committee Member
Richard Zoucha
Committee Member
Jill Demirci
dysphoric milk ejection reflex, lactation, human milk, milk letdown, negative feelings, phenomenology
This study sought to explore the lived experiences of Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER) during postpartum breastfeeding. A phenomenological method based on Giorgi’s phenomenological underpinnings was used. The setting for this study was virtual interviews in a secure online platform. The sample consisted of 13 participants, self-identifying as experiencing D-MER. Semi-structured interviews, with thematic analysis of transcription were conducted. Four major themes were identified: 1) Breastfeeding concessions and toleration; 2) Something does not feel “normal”; 3) I remember a feeling like this before 4) This is real, and recognition is validating. Conclusions were that women of this study value the importance of providing breastmilk, as the optimal nutritional source, to their infants, seek validation, support, and understanding related to the phenomenon they are experiencing, and feel a strong need for enhanced education and awareness within the healthcare provider population and prenatal education. Implications for nursing education include enhanced content related to the assessment and care of a woman experiencing D-MER, greater support strategies for these women, and more research, both qualitative and quantitative, due to the limited literature that currently exists. Future research recommendations include prevalence rates, impacts on maternal-newborn bonding, and impacts on the breastfeeding relationship. This research is a priority, for greater knowledge attainment regarding emotional sensations during lactation is strongly associated with positive breastfeeding outcomes related to bonding, duration, and psychological well-being.
Recommended Citation
HERR, S., Devido, J., Zoucha, R., & Demirci, J. (2023). Exploring the Lived Experiences of Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex During Postpartum Breastfeeding: A Phenomenological Study (Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University). Retrieved from
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Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing Commons, Nursing Midwifery Commons, Pediatric Nursing Commons