Defense Date


Graduation Date

Winter 12-20-2024


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counseling, Psychology, & Special Education


School of Education

Committee Chair

David Delmonico

Committee Member

Tara Abbott

Committee Member

Kim Spence


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, psychosexual evaluation, forensic evaluator, sex offenders, sexual offending, diagnosis, assessment of autism, criminal justice system


This qualitative inquiry utilized semi-structured interviews with eight expert forensic evaluators to explore their lived experiences engaging in psychosexual evaluations of sex offenders with a suspected diagnosis of autism. The purpose of this study was to identify current best practices, principles, and challenges faced by forensic evaluators when assessing sex offenders with a suspected diagnosis of autism. The results provide a variety of autism-specific screening tools and assessments used by forensic evaluators in their psychosexual evaluation process. Four emergent themes were developed using a descriptive phenomenological approach and social constructivist framework. These themes encompass forensic evaluators’ role in conducting psychosexual evaluations, cues for further examination of suspected autism, challenges in assessment, and strategies and solutions. Common challenges forensic evaluators encountered include the heterogeneous clinical presentation of autism, comorbidity, systemic and environmental challenges, and resistance to questioning an autism diagnosis. The findings serve as a guide for forensic evaluators conducting psychosexual evaluations to increase comprehensiveness and provide accurate support, accommodations, and treatment recommendations for individuals with autism. Implications for forensic evaluators include creating a deeper understanding of autism symptomology, using a team-based approach for the diagnostic process, and community involvement and training through reliable and accredited organizations. This study also uncovered the importance of a systemic approach that integrates forensic evaluators specializing in mental health and autism to facilitate rehabilitation and treatment for individuals with autism in the criminal justice system.


