"Graduate Students' Perception of Curriculum-Based Efficacy of the Acqu" by Demond Ethridge Bledsoe

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 2014


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Lisa Lopez-Levers

Committee Member

Morgan Chitiyo

Committee Member

Rahmon Hart


CACREP, Counseling, Curriculum, Education, Minority, Multicultural


The United States is undergoing a period in which the demographics of the population are shifting drastically. The profession of counseling is tasked with providing services to diverse groups of clients, many of whom may have experienced racism, prejudice, and oppression as a result of their cultural or ethnic identity. Literature suggests that cultural and ethnic minority clients have poorer outcomes than their majority counterparts, and a significant factor in gaining positive treatment outcomes is the multicultural skill development in the clinician; however, little research focusing on effective delivery methods for multicultural skill development in counselor trainees has been conducted.

The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain which components of a multicultural counseling course have been found effective for increasing multicultural skills in counselor education trainees. Additionally, this study explored the participants' perceptions of other aspects of CACREP accredited counseling programs that affected their acquisition of multicultural counseling skills. This study sought also to explore aspects of multicultural counselor training and CACREP accredited programs that were perceived by the participants to hinder the development of multicultural counseling skills.

This qualitative investigation explored the experiences of nine students currently enrolled in CACREP accredited counselor education preparatory programs related to multicultural counselor education. Data for this investigation were collected through key informant interviews and a focus group. The results were categorized into seven thematic areas that focused on the lack of multicultural counseling skill, disregard for the Student Learning Outcomes, issues around diversity, course format, the importance of the instructor, effective instructional strategies, and a hyper-focus on biological cultural variables. The author suggests ways to teach multicultural counseling skills, in a more effective manner, through changes in pedagogical strategies and policy development.




