"Contributions of Meaning by Service Professionals to the Phenomenon of" by Lisa Haeseler


Lisa Haeseler

Defense Date


Graduation Date

Spring 2007


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program for Education Leaders (IDPEL)


School of Education

Committee Chair

Peggy Black

Committee Member

James C. Higgins

Committee Member

Timothy Ireland


Battered Women, Chronic Abuse, Family Violence, Organizational Development, Organizational Structure, Western New York


Domestic violence abuse for women continues to be an urgent concern in American society. This perpetual problem has resulted in revitalization in improving delivery of care for women of abuse. Especially for service professionals who directly aid and council the women in the spectrum of abuse including whether they stay in, or leave, the leadership initiatives, perspectives, and unique leadership style approaches of service providers for enhancing services become vital. This qualitative, phenomenological case study of eight, non-abused service professionals working in four different agencies investigated the phenomenon of the experience of coping in the spectrum of domestic violence abuse from service professionals' interpretations, and how their own leadership approaches impact service delivery to the women of abuse clients they serve. Two service providers, per agency, from a leadership lens, detailed the coping mechanisms they observe for the women of abuse. Participants were from the greater western New York region and will be recruited by phone calls, and emails to web addresses to which many social service professionals subscribe. With Appendix A as the interview guide, participants engaged in semi-structured, individual interviews that were audio-taped and transcribed. De-identified transcripts were then used for data analysis. For instruments used the three data sources included: interviews, secondary sources such as relevant documents and archival materials, and the author's own separate, field notes of the interviews. From their sophisticated insights and views, this author was able to provide further understanding of women's service needs. In addition, from the numerous service delivery models discussed, this study located specific organizational development frameworks that will heighten service delivery uniquely fitted for these agencies. From this research study a more concise, in-depth, and holistic leadership perception of women of abuse will be achieved that many various professionals currently, and in the future, may find useful for better understanding women of abuse from a leadership perspective.




