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The eighth greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory was conducted for fiscal year 2019 (FY19) and fiscal year 2020 (FY20). FY19 began on July 1, 2018 and ended on June 30, 2019, while FY20 began on July 1, 2019 and ended on June 30, 2020. Assembled by graduate assistants Carissa Lange and Gabriella Zuccolotto, at the Center for Environmental Research and Education (CERE), these findings were compared with those derived from the previous inventories to assess trends in Duquesne University’s GHG emissions. Furthermore, this inventory discusses options for reducing Duquesne’s carbon footprint in future years.
Duquesne University’s total GHG emissions for FY19 were 49,807.60 MT eCO2, equaling 5.52 MT eCO2 per weighted campus user. In FY20, the University’s total GHG emissions were 41,908.44 MT eCO2, equaling 4.61 MT eCO2 per weighted campus user. Both FY19 and FY20 saw emissions decreases when compared to FY18, which totaled 51,796.38 MT eCO2. FY19 observed a 3.84% decrease when compared to FY18 and FY20 observed a 19.09% decrease when compared to FY18. Between FY19 and FY20, a decrease of 15.86% in CO2 emissions was observed. However, this notable decrease was likely a result of COVID-19 lockdown measures, and thus, limited campus activity.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Duquesne University
Repository Citation
Lange, C., & Zuccolotto, G. (2021). One Step at a Time: Duquesne University’s Eighth Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. Retrieved from