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In 2007, the Center for Environmental Research and Education completed the first greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory of Duquesne University. This inventory sought to identify all sources of GHG emissions and the contribution of each source. Duquesne’s inventory, which was completed using data from calendar year 2006, measured GHG emissions resulting from all University activities and operations, including the following sources: cogeneration plant, purchased electricity, auxiliary boilers for heating, commuter travel by students, faculty, and staff, University air travel, campus vehicle fleet, and solid waste disposal.
Total GHG emissions at Duquesne University in 2006 were 48,400 tons CO2e, of which 69 percent, or 33,800 tons CO2e, were produced from electricity and heating. The remaining 31 percent, 14,600 tons CO2e, resulted from transportation. Commonly used metrics for reporting emissions at institutions of higher education are tons per student per year (tons CO2e/student/year), tons per square foot of building space, and tons per operational dollar. For Duquesne, these metrics are equal to 4.8 tons CO2e/student/ year, 28 pounds per square foot of building space, and 2.28 pounds per operational dollar. While the cogeneration plant’s heat and electricity generation accounts for almost half of total emissions at Duquesne, transportation was the second largest source of emissions, accounting for an additional 31 percent. Daily commutes by students, faculty, and staff use over one million gallons of fuel per year, and represent a significant opportunity for change. Future analysis of commuting and travel habits and trends will provide the basis for addressing transportation-related GHG emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Duquesne University
Repository Citation
Baxter, L., Deal, D., Johnson, K., & Kabala, S. (2008). One Step at a Time: Reducing Duquesne’s Carbon Footprint. Retrieved from