The 2021 Graduate Research Symposium | Graduate Student Research Symposium

The 2021 Graduate Research Symposium

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2021 GRS Abstracts

Office of Research

GRS 2021 Award Winners

Office of Research

Monday, March 8th
12:00 AM

An Analysis of Extraction Efficiencies of Various Swabs on Sperm Recovery

Lindsey Campany

12:00 AM

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Catholic Terminal Sedation-A New Framework for Providing Terminal Palliative Sedation as a Requirement in Catholic Healthcare Organizations

Noah Dimas

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Exploration of the Cultural Beliefs, Values and Practices of African American Women Regarding Postpartum Depression: A Mini-Focused Ethnography

Stephanie Jacobs

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Long-Term Object Permanence and Sitting in Infants with Motor Delays

Karl Jancart
Amber Delprince, Duquesne University
Melanie Tommer, Duquesne University
Jessica Spirnak, Duquesne University
Claire Boe, Duquesne University
Regina Harbourne, Duquesne University

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Mapping Meaning at the Crossroads of Crisis: Narratives of Renewal in the Midst of the Opioid Epidemic

Preston Carmack

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Misrepresentation of Victimhood During the Victorian Period

Elizabeth Davidson

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Mona Baniahmadi, Duquesne University
Amy M. Olson, Duquesne University

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Understanding the Meaning of Well-being in Older Adults: A Mini-phenomenology

Francesca Ezeokonkwo
Rick Zoucha
Kathleen Sekula

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Unpacking the Academic Interventions for Improving the Academic Skills of Black Girls with Disabilities: A Scoping Review

Olajumoke Oshokoya, Duquesne University

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Use of Video Technology to Support Soft Skills Acquisition for Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Cliff Guya Oliech M.S.Ed., Duquesne University
Edith Olajumoke Oshokoya MA.Ed., Duquesne University

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