Duquesne Scholarship Collection - Graduate Student Research Symposium: Ethical Ramifications of Xenotransplantation Research and Justification for Potentially Deadly Study Participation

Presenter Information

Scott Dyer, Center for Global Health Ethics


Recent leaps in medical technology now allow humans to utilize organs of animals, specifically pigs, in xenotransplantation procedures. As this science advances, ethical quandaries that must be grappled with will arise while additional clinical trials must be done. Due to the infancy of this technology, science must be cautious in how it moves forward. However, I also argue that anyone, as long as they are of sound mind and deemed to be of proper decision-making capacity, can justifiably participate in any research they want, no matter how deadly the potential consequences. A participant in such research may be getting much needed experimental work that could give them a longer life, while also helping to contribute to the larger body of scientific knowledge.


McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts


Joris Gielen

Submission Type


Publication Date

March 2022


Mar 14th, 12:00 AM

Ethical Ramifications of Xenotransplantation Research and Justification for Potentially Deadly Study Participation

Recent leaps in medical technology now allow humans to utilize organs of animals, specifically pigs, in xenotransplantation procedures. As this science advances, ethical quandaries that must be grappled with will arise while additional clinical trials must be done. Due to the infancy of this technology, science must be cautious in how it moves forward. However, I also argue that anyone, as long as they are of sound mind and deemed to be of proper decision-making capacity, can justifiably participate in any research they want, no matter how deadly the potential consequences. A participant in such research may be getting much needed experimental work that could give them a longer life, while also helping to contribute to the larger body of scientific knowledge.