The General Council of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit first published Information Documentation (ID) as a tool for formation and animation of Spiritans. The publication focused on facilitating discussion on matters affecting the congregation’s mission by drawing on the lived experiences of Spiritans. In 2007, Anima Una succeeded ID.
Due to a change in the numbering system after the first seven issues, it appears as if there are missing volumes, which is not the case. The volume collection is complete.
Documents are written in English, French, and Portuguese. To access other volumes, see ID AND ANIMA UNA .
Issues from 2003
2003 Vol. 60 The Spiritan Year -- A Message to All Confreres for the Spiritan Year, General Council
Issues from 2002
2002 Vol. 59: International and Intercultural Community Life, General Council
Issues from 2001
2001 Vol. 58: The Enlarged General Council of Pittsburgh, General Council
Issues from 2000
2000 Vol. 57: Spiritan Lay Associates, General Council
Issues from 1999
1999 Vol. 56: Preparation for Mission Today, General Council
Issues from 1998
1998 Vol. 55: Different Faces of the Spiritan Vocation, General Council
Issues from 1997
1997 Vol. 54: "The Spirit Blows Where it Wills", General Council
Issues from 1996
1996 Vol. 53: New Initiative in Asia -- A Call of the Spirit to Us, General Council
Issues from 1995
1995 Vol. 52: The Enlarged General Council at Dakar, 1995 A "Kairos" for the Congregation, General Council
1995 Vol. 51: Spiritans and Communication, General Council
Issues from 1992
1992 Vol. 50: Dialogue with Traditional Religion, The Generalate Team
1992 Vol. 49: Spiritans and Education, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1991
1991 Vol. 48: Towards "a committed and responsible laity" (SRL18), The Generalate Team
1991 Vol. 47: Mission and Dialogue: Dialogue with the Modern World, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1990
1990 Vol. 46: Mission and Dialogue: Dialogue with Non-Christian Religions, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1989
1989 Vol. 45: The Foundations -- A Challenge to the Congregation, The Generalate Team
1989 Vol. 44: Spiritan Formation Today, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1988
1988 Vol. 43: Committed to the Poor; Action for Justice and Peace, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1987
1987 Vol. 42: United in the Service of the Kingdom, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1986
1986 Vol. 41: A Look at the Future, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1985
1985 Vol. 40: Towards a Misisonary Spirituality for Today, The Generalate Team
1985 Vol. 39: Dialogue: At the Fronteirs of Evangelization, The Generalate Team
1985 Vol. 38: "Adapt yourselves ot them as servants" (Libermann, ND X), The Generalate Team
Issues from 1984
1984 Vol. 37: The Spirit of God Inspires Us to Prophetic Action for Justice, The Generalate Team
1984 Vol. 36: "This is the favourable time" (2 Cor. 6:2), The Generalate Team
1984 Vol. 35: "To seize the hope set before us" (Hebr. 6:18), The Generalate Team
Issues from 1983
1983 Vol. 34: "Towards the Land that I will Show You" (Gen. 12:1), The Generalate Team
1983 Vol. 33: Internationality Re-examined, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1982
1982 Vol. 32 Supplement: Decisions of the Enlarged Council, The Generalate Team
1982 Vol. 32: "Take Courage", The Generalate Team
1982: Vol. 31: Towards the New Constitutions, The Generalate Team
1982 Vol. 30: "Strengthen Your Brothers" (Luke 22:32), The Generalate Team
Issues from 1981
1981 Vol 29: Spiritans for Tomorrow, The Generalate Team
1981 Vol. 28: The African Foundations, The Generalate Team
1981 Preparation of the New Constitutions, The Generalate Team
1981 Vol. 27: "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst After Justice", The Generalate Team
Issues from 1980
1980 Vol. 26: Called to a New Life; A Six-Year Program, The Generalate Team
1980 Vol. 25: The Spiritans Today and Tomorrow, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1979
1979 Vol. 24: The Congregation Today and Tomorrow, The Generalate Team
1979 Vol. 23: Spiritan Works of Education, The Generalate Team
1979 Vol. 22: Our Spiritan Commitment to Justice and Peace, The Generalate Team
1979 Preparation for the 1980 General Chapter: Our Spiritan Life, The Generalate Team
1979 Vol. 21: One Heart and One Soul, The Generalate Team
1979 Vol. 20: Poullart des Places; The Challenge of His Tercentenary, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1978
1978 Vol. 19: Father jacques Laval, The Generalate Team
1978 Vol. 18: Spiritan Life and Spiritan Mission, The Generalate Team
1978 Vol. 18 Supplement: Decisions of the Enlarged General Council, The Generalate Team
1978 Vol. 17: Life: Our Best Witness, The Generalate Team
1978 Vol. 16: Prayer — In These Days, The Generalate Team
1978 Vol. 15: With Libermann at the Heart of Our Spiritan Vocation, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1977
1977 Vol. 14: "Unless the Grain of Wheat dies...", The Generalate Team
1977 Vol. 13: Young People: As in Libermann's Day, The Generalate Team
1977 Vol. 12: A More International Congregation, The Generalate Team
1977 Vol. 11: New Paths for the Congregation?, The Generalate Team
1977 Vol. 10: Vocations, The Generalate Team
1977 Vol. 09: Libermann -- Missionary, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1976
1976 Vol. 08: New Directions for the Congregation, The Generalate Team
1976 Vol. 05: Enlarged Council -- Solidarity, The Generalate Team
1976 Vol. 04: Our Commitments and Our Priorities, The Generalate Team
1976 Vol. 03: Our Commitments and Our Priorities, The Generalate Team
1976 Vol. 02: Our Commitments and Our Priorities, The Generalate Team
1976 Vol. 01: What Does Libermann Mean to Us?, The Generalate Team
Issues from 1975
1975 Vol. 02: The Formation of a Committed and Responible Laity, The Generalate Team
1975 Vol. 01: Building the Christian Community, The Generalate Team