Bruce Ledewitz's Hallowed Secularism blog "will track the progress of a new way of life in this society, a way of life that may come to be known as Hallowed Secularism(...)that describes this way of life, at least as I see its future.(...)others will decide the future of Hallowed Secularism by living it."
The original blog was housed at from early 2007 until 2020 when it was moved to
The ebook Hallowed Secularism: the Blog Posts 2007-2021 / Bruce Ledewitz containing the Hallowed Secularism blog posts is available for download.
Submissions from 2012
November 22, 2012: Happy Thanksgiving, Bruce Ledewitz
November 21, 2012: The Tensions in Religious Liberty, Bruce Ledewitz
November 17, 2012: The Real Losers in this Election—Religious Voters, Bruce Ledewitz
November 14, 2012: No, Corporations Do Not Have Religious Rights, Bruce Ledewitz
November 10, 2012: Tuesday Was a Vindication of Hallowed Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
November 9, 2012: Time to Repeal Campaign Contribution Limits, Bruce Ledewitz
November 3, 2012: Accommodating Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
October 31, 2012: The Upcoming Presidential Election, Bruce Ledewitz
October 27, 2012: Your Starting Point is Your Endpoint, Bruce Ledewitz
October 23, 2012: George McGovern, R.I.P., Bruce Ledewitz
October 19, 2012: Is There A Difference Between Religion and Philosophy?, Bruce Ledewitz
October 15, 2012: Politics and Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
October 11, 2012: Simon Chritchley Writes About Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
October 9, 2012: Living in a Dream World, Bruce Ledewitz
November 7, 2012: A Good, Not Great, Election, Bruce Ledewitz
October 7, 2012: The Nature of Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
October 3, 2012: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2012: Yes, You Can Be a Nonreligious, Nonzionist Jew, But What is the Point?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 25, 2012: Tax Cuts Are Not a Policy, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2012: What’s So Bad About Technology?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2012: The High Holy Days Without Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 16, 2012: A Philosopher Defends Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 11, 2012: Technology is Inefficient, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2012: Beating the Drums for War with Iran, Bruce Ledewitz
September 4, 2012: Hallowed Secularism Book Talk, Bruce Ledewitz
August 31, 2012: God Who?, Bruce Ledewitz
August 28, 2012: Davos, Bruce Ledewitz
August 24, 2012: Abortion and Rape, Bruce Ledewitz
August 22, 2012: The Sacred is the Profane, Bruce Ledewitz
August 16, 2012: Experiments in Unbelief, Bruce Ledewitz
August 11, 2012: One Way of Understanding Contributions to Philosophy, Bruce Ledewitz
August 8, 2012: The Response to David Niose, Bruce Ledewitz
August 4, 2012: Religious Exemptions, Bruce Ledewitz
July 31, 2012: The Renewal of Christianity, Bruce Ledewitz
July 25, 2012: Why Hasn’t Ross Douthat Ignited More Debate Among Religious Liberals?, Bruce Ledewitz
July 23, 2012: What is Religion?, Bruce Ledewitz
July 19, 2012: Confronting Capitalism, Bruce Ledewitz
July 15, 2012: Our House, Bruce Ledewitz
July 12, 2012: What is Law School For?, Bruce Ledewitz
July 8, 2012: If the Higgs Boson Particle Affected Capitalism, Bruce Ledewitz
July 4, 2012: How to be Religious, Bruce Ledewitz
July 1, 2012: The Significance of the Obamacare Decision, Bruce Ledewitz
June 28, 2012: Materialism, the Supernatural and the More, Bruce Ledewitz
June 25, 2012: Having It Both Ways on the Iranian Fatwa, Bruce Ledewitz
June 21, 2012: The Misuse of Religious Exemptions, Bruce Ledewitz
June 17, 2012: My First Fatherless Father’s Day, Bruce Ledewitz
June 14, 2012: Do We Have Any Player as Good as Jesus?, Bruce Ledewitz
June 10, 2012: Cut Off from Blame and Punishment, Bruce Ledewitz
June 8, 2012: How Do the Draft Cases Aid in Resolution of the Culture Wars?, Bruce Ledewitz
May 30, 2012: Seeger—an Extraordinary Case, Bruce Ledewitz
May 27, 2012: Happy Memorial Day, Bruce Ledewitz
May 24, 2012: What Is the Right Term for Nonmembers of Organized Religion?, Bruce Ledewitz
May 21, 2012: Raimon Panikkar on Church and State, Bruce Ledewitz
May 15, 2012: Religion at Occupy Wall Street, Bruce Ledewitz
May 9, 2012: The Future of Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
May 2, 2012: Charles Murray and Alain de Botton Agree on the Emptiness of Secular Life, Bruce Ledewitz
April 26, 2012: The Continuing Attack on/Engagement with Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
April 20, 2012: Back to the Bishops, Bruce Ledewitz
April 15, 2012: Atheism is Growing, Bruce Ledewitz
April 12, 2012: Reason Rally Update, Bruce Ledewitz
April 8, 2012: Happy Easter, Bruce Ledewitz
April 4, 2012: Samuel Moyn’s Questions about Church, State, and the Crisis in American Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
April 1, 2012: A Partisan Day of Prayer and Fasting, Bruce Ledewitz
March 30, 2012: A Fundamental Rights Case Masquerading as a Commerce Clause Case, Bruce Ledewitz
March 24, 2012: An Open Letter to David Niose, President of the American Humanist Association, Bruce Ledewitz
March 23, 2012: Warm Enough For You?, Bruce Ledewitz
March 19, 2012: Without Gods, Bruce Ledewitz
March 16, 2012: Pannikkar’s Rhythm of Being, Bruce Ledewitz
March 14, 2012: The Break-Up of a Section, Bruce Ledewitz
March 11, 2012: Are Any Other Pro-Life People Outraged and Embarrassed?, Bruce Ledewitz
March 7, 2012: Guatemala, Bruce Ledewitz
February 25, 2012: Reasons for Confidence in the Future, Bruce Ledewitz
February 24, 2012: The First Session of the Conference, Bruce Ledewitz
February 23, 2012: Greetings From Sunny Malibu, Bruce Ledewitz
February 19, 2012: End of Religion II, Bruce Ledewitz
February 16, 2012: Do Pacifists Have to Pay All Their Federal Taxes?, Bruce Ledewitz
February 9, 2012: The Year of the Bible, Bruce Ledewitz
February 4, 2012: Time to Leave the Democratic Party, Bruce Ledewitz
February 1, 2012: Just the Beginning of the War on Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
January 28, 2012: A New Marxism, Bruce Ledewitz
January 25, 2012: Who is Ready to be Secular?, Bruce Ledewitz
January 22, 2012: Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train, Bruce Ledewitz
January 21, 2012: One Market Under God, Bruce Ledewitz
January 18, 2012: But Why Can’t People Just Practice a Scientific Way of Life?, Bruce Ledewitz
January 15, 2012: Visiting the Center for Inquiry, Bruce Ledewitz
January 12, 2012: The New Foundations of the Ministerial Exception, Bruce Ledewitz
January 10, 2012: The Ministerial Exception Must be Put on New Foundations, Bruce Ledewitz
January 6, 2012: I Have a Soft Spot for Rick Santorum, Bruce Ledewitz
January 3, 2012: Jacques Berlinerblau’s anti-Religion List, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 2011
December 31, 2011: The Conflict Between the Catholic Church and Government Regulations, Bruce Ledewitz
December 28, 2011: Enlisting the Help of Sam Harris, Bruce Ledewitz
December 24, 2011: The Waning of Christian Culture, Bruce Ledewitz
December 20, 2011: Religious Revival in China, Bruce Ledewitz
December 16, 2011: Christopher Hitchens R.I.P., Bruce Ledewitz
December 13, 2011: The McConnell-Feldman Debate Over Religious Liberty, Bruce Ledewitz
December 10, 2011: “But what if history has no logos?”, Bruce Ledewitz
December 5, 2011: Why Do We Mourn?, Bruce Ledewitz
December 2, 2011: The Rituals of Mourning, Bruce Ledewitz
November 28, 2011: Death for the Hallowed Secularist, Bruce Ledewitz