Submissions from 1994
How to Prevent Another Larsen Affair, Bruce Ledewitz
Punishment Most Cruel, Bruce Ledewitz
RICO's Latest Victim—Social Protest, Bruce Ledewitz
The Role of Lower State Courts in Adapting State Law to Changed Federal Interpretations, Bruce Ledewitz
What's Really Wrong With the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1993
Clinic Bill Strikes at Nonviolent Protest, Bruce Ledewitz
Could the Death Penalty Be a Cruel Punishment?, Bruce Ledewitz
It's Not Just Larsen, Bruce Ledewitz
Mishandling the Current Crisis, Bruce Ledewitz
No Punishment Without Cruelty, Bruce Ledewitz
Reflections on the American and Talmudic Death Penalty, Bruce Ledewitz
The Role of Executive Clemency in Modern Death Penalty Cases, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1992
The Casey Conundrum, Bruce Ledewitz
Why Family Values Faltered: Capitalism, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1991
A Moderate Anti-Abortion View, Bruce Ledewitz
Habeas Corpus As A Safety Valve For Innocence, Bruce Ledewitz
One Year After Blackwell Many Questions Still Exist, Bruce Ledewitz
Passport Photos and Stays of Execution, Bruce Ledewitz
Recent Decisions, United Artists Theatre Circuit, Inc. v. City of Philadelphia, Bruce Ledewitz
Sources of Injustice in Death Penalty Practice, Bruce Ledewitz
The Challenge of, and Judicial Response to, Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions, Bruce Ledewitz
The Morality of Capital Punishment: An Exchange, Bruce Ledewitz
The Morality of Capital Punishment: An Exchange, Bruce Ledewitz
Victims of the Law, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1990
Civil Disobedience, Injunctions, and the First Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Court Lifts Amortization Ban on Pa. Non-Conforming Uses, Bruce Ledewitz
Courts Busy with Challenges to Pennsylvania's Insurance Laws, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1989
Abolition Then and Now, Bruce Ledewitz
Debating a Paralyzing Objectivity, Bruce Ledewitz
Governor Can Still Appoint Replacement for Justice Stout, Bruce Ledewitz
Is Doing Your Job a Sufficient Justification for Doing Something Wrong, Bruce Ledewitz
Shortened Judicial Term May Prove to be Lucky, Bruce Ledewitz
Tax Reform Held Hostage by Constitutional Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1988
Is '88 Supreme Court Election Permissible Under Pa. Law?, Bruce Ledewitz
Is the Death Penalty Good for Us?, Bruce Ledewitz
Judicial Election Questions Left Unanswered by Justices, Bruce Ledewitz
Justices Don't Own the Constitution, Bruce Ledewitz
Procedural Default in Death Penalty Cases: Fundamental Miscarriage of Justice and Actual Innocence, Bruce Ledewitz
Procedural Default in Death Penalty Cases: Fundamental Miscarriage of Justice and Actual Innocence,, Bruce Ledewitz
Pro-Lifers Should Appeal to Constitution's Heart, Bruce Ledewitz
To Do Justice Between Man and Man, (Tribute to Judge Robert Taylor), Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1987
A Conversation Between a Judge and His Friend Concerning Whether the Judge Should Sentence a Defendant to Death, Bruce Ledewitz
Challenge to the First Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Judicial Conscience and Natural Rights: A Reply to Professor Jaffa, Bruce Ledewitz
The Debate over Bork Nomination Misses the Point, Bruce Ledewitz
The New Role of Statutory Aggravating Circumstances in American Death Penalty Law, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1986
Monzo Raises Taxing Issue, Bruce Ledewitz
Tales of the Donkey-A New Future for the Democratic Party, Bruce Ledewitz
The Death Penalty—An Issue of Conscience and Conflict, Bruce Ledewitz
The Death Penalty—An Issue of Conscience and Conflict, Bruce Ledewitz
The Questions Rehnquist Hasn't Had to Answer, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1985
Confession Law Isn't Necessary, Bruce Ledewitz
Con Law Limit is Eroding, Bruce Ledewitz
Economic Review is up to the States, Bruce Ledewitz
Edmond Cahn's Sense of Injustice: A Contemporary Reintroduction, Bruce Ledewitz
The Power of the President to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1984
An Introduction to the Pennsylvania State Constitution, Bruce Ledewitz
Who Did in the Democrats?, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1983
Where Lies Prophecy?, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1982
Book Review, Bruce Ledewitz
Foreseeing is Believing: Community Imposition of Liability for the Acts of “Dangerous” Former Mental Patients, Bruce Ledewitz
The Requirement of Death: Mandatory Language in the Pennsylvania Death Penalty Statute, Bruce Ledewitz
The Requirement of Death: Mandatory Language in the Pennsylvania Death Penalty Statute, Bruce Ledewitz
Submissions from 1979
The Uncertain Power of the President to Execute the Laws, Bruce Ledewitz