Introductory Statement (111 KB)
Download Human Speech Sound Development (248 KB)
Download The Psychology and Science of Daydreaming: A Look Into the Relationship Between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Social Anxiety (160 KB)
Download Paint Me Like One of Your Emaciated Saints: A Creative Piece on an Interaction with Caravaggio (176 KB)
Duquesne’s five-year Speech-Language Pathology program immerses its pre-professional phase students in an array of subjects that extend beyond the health sciences. Classes related to anatomy, linguistics, and healthcare make up the core of the speech-language curriculum, but other skills linked to art, philosophy, and faith are necessary to understand the diverse population of clients one may encounter. Speech-language pathologists are required to be culturally aware and strive for cultural competence. By understanding microcultures that form a person including age, class, geographic region, sexual preference, ethnicity, race, occupation, etc., a clinician can cater and gear assessments, results, and therapy toward each individual.
This portfolio contains works from the pre-professional coursework of a rising speech-language pathologist. From a website dedicated to communication disorders to a narrative revolving around the baroque artist, Caravaggio, viewers can expect to be immersed in both creative and scientific pieces. These diverse works demonstrate the constant academic and personal growth that a student majoring in this field undergoes. Critical research, introspective observations, and innovative solutions resonate throughout these pieces and create the foundation for the professional phase of this program. Ultimately what speech-language pathologists, as well as many other healthcare professionals, are striving towards is to improve a patient’s quality of life, and by building on a solid biological and visionary base, clinicians can provide the best means and treatment to do so.
This portfolio includes the following works by Kaitlyn Holtz:
- Human Speech Sound Development - This piece is composed of three chapters focusing on speech perception, the innate and learned development of speech sound, and an analysis of an infant’s linguistic stage of development.
- The Psychology and Science of Daydreaming: A Look Into the Relationship Between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Social Anxiety - This essay researched the conscious state of daydreaming and its maladaptive effects on social anxiety.
- Paint Me Like One of Your Emaciated Saints: A Creative Piece on an Interaction with Caravaggio - This essay is a work of historical fiction written for a Baroque Painting & Sculpture class taken in Rome, Italy. The creative work is narrated by a model in one of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s paintings.
- The Speech Kat (Website) - A blog dedicated to an overview of communication disorders and general anatomy and physiology of the brain. This site provides resources geared towards speech-language pathologists.
Publication Date
Fall 2019
speech language pathology, health sciences, honors
Creative Writing | Linguistics | Psychology
Recommended Citation
Holtz, K. (2019). Kaitlyn Holtz's Portfolio. Retrieved from