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Table of Contents -- (pg. 3) -- Letter of presentation by the Superior General -- (pg. 7) -- Foreword -- (pg. 10) -- References -- Chapter I -- (pg. 12) -- THE SPECIFIC END AND NATURE OF THE CONGREGATION -- Chapter II -- (pg. 23) -- THE SPIRITAN APOSTOLIC LIFE -- Chapter III -- (pg. 33) -- THE SPIRITAN COMMUNITY -- Chapter IV -- (pg. 41) -- THE EVANGELICAL COUNSELS -- (pg. 42) -- General Introduction -- (pg. 45) -- Voluntary celibacy for the kingdom of heaven -- (pg. 49) -- Poverty -- (pg. 54) -- Obedience -- Chapter V -- (pg. 59) -- PRAYER -- Chapter VI -- (pg. 65) -- ORGANISATION -- (pg. 65) -- General Principles -- (pg. 68) -- The General Chapter -- (pg. 70) -- The General Council -- (pg. 71) -- The Superior General -- (pg. 72) -- The Assistants -- (pg. 73) -- Functions of the General Council -- (pg. 75) -- Provinces and Districts -- (pg. 88) -- Annex on Provinces and Districts -- (pg. 90) -- Organisation of Communities -- (pg. 96) -- Brothers -- (pg. 98) -- Rights and Obligations of members -- (pg. 99) -- Chapter Decisions on some special matters -- Chapter VII -- (pg. 103) -- TEMPORAL GOODS -- Chapter VIII -- (pg. 113) -- TRAINING -- (pg. 114) -- General guidelines -- (pg. 120) -- Special aspects -- (pg. 122) -- Training in an international milieu -- (pg. 123) -- Postulancy and Novitiate -- (pg. 124) -- Continued training -- (pg. 128) -- Encouraging Vocations -- Chapter IX -- (pg. 130) -- GUIDELINES FOR REFLEXION ON THE APOSTOLATE -- (pg. 131) -- Our missionary activity -- (pg. 149) -- Our style of missionary life -- (pg. 153) -- The p[lace of the apostolate in the Church today -- Appendix -- (pg. 162) -- CORRELATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONS AND COUNCIL DECISIONS

Publication Date


General Chapter 1968
