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General Chapter 2004 -- Torre d'Aguilha -- Faithful to the Gift Entrusted to Us -- Index -- Preface -- (p. 9) -- 0. Authentically Living the Spiritan Charism Today -- (p. 15) -- 0.1 Introduction -- (p. 16) -- 0.2 Re-Discovering Spiritan Apostolic Life in the Contemporary Context -- (p. 18) -- 0.3 The Changing Face of the Congregation: Our Increasingly International Membership -- (p. 22) -- 0.4 Maintaining Unity in an Increasingly Diversified Congregation -- (p. 25) -- Part I: Chapter Documents -- 1. Spiritual Renewal of the Congregation -- (p. 31) -- 1.1 Important Elements of Spiritan Spirituality -- (p. 32) -- 1.2 The Handing on of the Charism -- (p. 37) -- 1.3 Guidelines -- (p. 39) -- 2. Life in International Communities -- (p. 41) -- The Call -- (p. 42) -- Mission -- (p. 43) -- Finance -- (p. 44) -- Initial Formation -- (p. 44) -- On-going Formation -- (p. 45) -- 3. Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation -- (p. 47) -- Guidelines -- (p. 47) -- 4. Joys and Challenges of New Circumscriptions -- (p. 51) -- Guidelines -- (p. 53) -- 5. Joys and Challenges of Older Circumscriptions -- (p. 57) -- 5.1 The Context -- (p. 57) -- 5.2 The Joys -- (p. 59) -- 5.3 The Challenges -- (p. 60) -- 5.4 Guidelines -- (p. 61) -- 6. Formation -- (p. 63) -- Guidelines -- (p. 63) -- The Spirit Behind our Formation -- (p. 63) -- The Stages of Formation -- (p. 65) -- Brothers -- (p. 68) -- Formators -- (p. 69) -- Lay Associates -- (p. 70) -- 7. Finance -- (p. 71) -- Guidelines -- (p. 72) -- 8. Spiritan Rule of Life -- (p. 77) -- 8.1 The Frequency of General Chapters -- (p. 78) -- 8.2 The Reasons for Other Changes to Chapter VII of the Rule of Life -- (p. 79) -- 8.3 Changes to the Rule of Life Decided by the General Chapter -- (p. 81) -- Part II: Other Documents -- 9. One Big Family -- (p. 93) -- 10. Letter to Older Confreres -- (p. 97) -- 11. Lay Spiritans -- (p. 99) -- 11.1 What Attracts Lay People to the Spiritan Family? -- (p. 99) -- 11.2 "Spiritan Laity are a Branch of the Spiritan Tree" -- (p. 101) -- 11.3 Welcoming New Energy -- (p. 102) – 12. Relations with Islam -- (p. 105) -- 13. "Faithful to the Gift Entrusted to Us": Retreat by Fr. Adélio Torres Neiva -- (p. 109) -- 13.1 The Richness of Our Religious Life -- (p. 109) -- 13.2 Mission as Gift: Recovering the Mystique of Mission -- (p. 112) -- 13.3 Community, A Gift for Mission -- (p. 115) -- 13.4 Some Challenges for the Congregation Today -- (p. 117)
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The Spiritan Congregation. (2004). General Chapter 2004: Torre d'Aguilha (English). Retrieved from