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Table of Contents -- Contents -- (p. 3) -- Glossary -- (p. 5) -- Introduction 1987 -- (p. 7) -- Introduction 2013 -- (p. 9) -- Decree of Approval 1987 -- (p. 11) -- Decree of Approval 2013 -- (p. 13) -- Chapter 1 – Our Spiritan Vocation -- (p. 17) -- Chapter 2 -- Our Mission -- (p. 21) -- Chapter 3 – Community Life -- (p. 29) -- Chapter 4 – Religious Life -- (p. 39) -- Chapter 5 – Spiritan Prayer -- (p. 50) -- Chapter 6 – Formation -- (p. 58) -- Chapter 7 -– The Organization of the Congregation -- (p. 75) -- Appendix I – The election of the Superior General and of his Council -- (p. 116) -- Appendix II – The Competencies of the various Councils -- (p. 121) -- Appendix III – Absence or separation from the Congregation -- (p. 128) -- Table of Chapter and Section Titles -- (p. 134) -- References: Sacred Scripture -- (p. 138) -- Documents of the Holy See -- (p. 139) -- Canon Law -- (p. 140) -- Writings of Fr. Libermann -- (p. 142) -- Index -- (p. 143)

Publication Date


2013 Spiritan Rule of Life
