Spiritan Magazine
Volume 32, Number 3 (2008) August
Serving People on the Move
Full Issue
Front Matter
Table of Contents and From the Editor
Gerald Fitzgerald
Serving People on the Move
John Kingston
"Refugees Find Support and Friendship"
Mary Burns
En Route to the Eldorado of Europe
Pierre Veau
Reach Out and Befriend
Ann-Marie Fell and Peter Fell
Migrant Workers in Ireland
Pat McNamara
After Genocide
Gervase Taratara and Paul Flamm
From Mozambican Refugee to Spiritan Missionary
Joâo Luis Dimba
VICS: Canadian Spiritans Choose Edmonton Priest as Head
Ramon Gonzalez
End Matter
Back Cover: Crack
Kate Marshall Flaherty

- Fr. Gerald FitzGerald CSSp
- Fr. Patrick Fitzpatrick CSSp
- Design and Production
- Tim Faller Design Inc.