Use of Medical Marijuana and Cannabinoids to Treat Headache Pain: A Critifically Appraised Topic

Presenter Information

Lilly Shupe, Duquesne University, Sean Edmonds, Duquesne University


Globally, 75% of adults report to have had at least one headache in 2017.1 Headaches are painful and disabling features of migraines, tension headaches, medication overuse headaches and cluster headaches.

  • There are several ways to treat headaches: analgesics, specific anti-migraine medications, prophylactic medications, and opioids.
  • Clinically, finding a more effective and less harmful treatment for headaches is important to avoiding the negative effects that may accompany opioid use.
  • Given the opioid crisis and potential for abuse, it is essential to find safer and healthier ways to give patients the relief that they need.

Medical marijuana is composed of active cannabinoids that have been proposed as an alternative treatment for chronic pain and psychiatric disorders, as well as numerous other medical conditions.

  • Although state and national policies vary regarding medical marijuana, published research demonstrates that medical marijuana may be an effective treatment for reducing the symptoms of headache pain.


Rangos School of Health Sciences


Erica Beidler; Sarah Manspeaker

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Apr 1st, 12:00 AM

Use of Medical Marijuana and Cannabinoids to Treat Headache Pain: A Critifically Appraised Topic

Globally, 75% of adults report to have had at least one headache in 2017.1 Headaches are painful and disabling features of migraines, tension headaches, medication overuse headaches and cluster headaches.

  • There are several ways to treat headaches: analgesics, specific anti-migraine medications, prophylactic medications, and opioids.
  • Clinically, finding a more effective and less harmful treatment for headaches is important to avoiding the negative effects that may accompany opioid use.
  • Given the opioid crisis and potential for abuse, it is essential to find safer and healthier ways to give patients the relief that they need.

Medical marijuana is composed of active cannabinoids that have been proposed as an alternative treatment for chronic pain and psychiatric disorders, as well as numerous other medical conditions.

  • Although state and national policies vary regarding medical marijuana, published research demonstrates that medical marijuana may be an effective treatment for reducing the symptoms of headache pain.