Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 8-5-2023


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



Counselor Education and Supervision (ExCES)


School of Education

Committee Chair

David Delmonico

Committee Member

Matthew Joseph

Committee Member

Waganesh Zeleke


acculturative stress, depression, Saudi international students, social support, counseling services


This quantitative study explored Saudi international students’ acculturation processes through an examination of the relationship between acculturative stress and depression among Saudi international students in the U.S. Moreover, the study also examined the role of social resources—social support and the use of counseling services—in mediating this relationship.

Data was collected through an online survey from 103 Saudi international students enrolled at universities across the U.S. The survey included three scales: the Acculturative Stress Scale for

Saudi International Students (ASSSIS) (Bashir & Khalid, 2020), the Beck Depression Inventory

(BDI) (Beck et al., 1996), and LEVEL 2–Depression–Adult (PROMIS Emotional Distress– Depression–Short Form) (Nolte et al., 2019). To answer the research questions, several analyses were conducted. A correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between acculturative stress and depression. In addition, a path analysis was conducted to explore the role of mediator variables—social support and the use of counseling services—in the relationship between acculturative stress and depression.

Results reveal a significant relationship between acculturative stress and depression among Saudi international students in the U.S. It was also found that social support and the use of counseling services do not function as mediators for the association between acculturative stress and depression. The results emphasize the importance of the acculturation process for Saudi international students and its impact on depression. Implications for the field of counseling are provided as well as limitations of the current study and potential directions for future research.



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