Defense Date


Graduation Date

Summer 8-5-2023


Immediate Access

Submission Type


Degree Name



School of Education

Committee Chair

Gibbs Kanyongo

Committee Member

Amy Olson

Committee Member

Tara Abbott

Committee Member

Christy Mikolaj


Tuition Cost, Rising Tuition, Enrollment Trends, Higher Education Access, Racial Minority Higher Education Access, Socioeconomic Status Higher Education Access, Tuition Costs Higher Education


The purpose of this quantitative research study was to examine the enrollment trends of racial minority and low socioeconomic enrollment, and the equity of higher education access at a four-year private institution in western Pennsylvania. The study concentrated on two student populations over a five-year period at a four-year private institution in western Pennsylvania, enrolled and accepted but not enrolled students of various racial minorities and socioeconomic backgrounds. The research was informed by the theoretical frameworks of Human Capital Theory, Meritocracy Theory, and Net Price Theory. The research questions that guided the study were the following: What are the enrollment trends for racial minority students at a four-year private higher education institution in western Pennsylvania during the period of 2017-2021? What are the enrollment trends for students from various socioeconomic statuses at a four-year private higher education institution in western Pennsylvania during the period of 2017-2021? After all financial aid sources have been applied to the total cost of tuition, what are the remaining out-of-pocket expenses across all socioeconomic levels at a four-year private higher education institution in western Pennsylvania during the period of 2017-2021? The data collected to answer the research questions came from two public domains and an internal department at a four-year private institution in western Pennsylvania. Using descriptive statistical analysis, the data was observed and analyzed, and the emerging trends were utilized to make recommendations to higher education administrators regarding access to higher education institutions.


