Gathered Fragments: The Journal of the Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania | Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania | Duquesne University

Gathered Fragments

Gathered Fragments is the journal of the Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Issues are released yearly and are available for ordering immediately through the Catholic Historical Society website. After one year, issues are made freely available through Duquesne Scholarship Collection. For an overview of all published issues, see the Index to Gathered Fragments.

A complete coverage of the journal can be found under Aims & Scope.

Current Volume: Volume 32 (2022)

Full Issue

Front Matter


Book Review


End Matter

Board of Directors

Mike Aquilina
Rev. Michael P. Conway
James K. Hanna
Blanche G. McGuire
Rev. Aleksandr J. Schrenk
Kathleen M. Washy
Dennis P. Wodzinski


Blanche G. McGuire
Kathleen M. Washy