
Gathered Fragments

Aims & Scope

The Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania solicits and welcomes items for Gathered Fragments addressing the culture and history of Catholicism in Western Pennsylvania.

Gathered Fragments publishes articles and primary sources relating to the parochial, religious, diocesan, and laical history of the Catholic Church in Western Pennsylvania. We also solicit book and exhibit reviews, news, and other items relating to Catholic history in Western Pennsylvania. Genealogical items are accepted, providing they relate to the broader scope of the Society’s mission. Articles previously published elsewhere will be considered with appropriate permission from the original publication. Submissions should pertain in some way to the broader theme of Catholicism in Western Pennsylvania.

Research articles will be considered. Notation of sources must accompany each article. Submitters are urged to consult the Chicago Manual of Style or the most current edition of Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations for guidelines on proper formatting.

For more information or to make a submission to Gathered Fragments, please visit the Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania's website. To submit by mail, please send to: Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Diocese of Pittsburgh, 2900 Noblestown Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-4227.

The opinions expressed in Gathered Fragments represent the views only of the individual contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, the members of the board of directors, or The Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Advertising in Gathered Fragments does not necessarily imply endorsement.