Submissions from 2025
Law Library Collection Development in the Time of GenAI, Dana Neacsu
Submissions from 2024
Generative AI and Finding the Law, Paul Callister and Dana Neacsu
The Unintended Costs of Advance Waivers of Future Conflicts, Ashley M. London
Mistick Speaks: A Collection of Tribune Review Columns, 2019-2023, Joseph Sabino Mistick
The Ersatz of the Plain-Meaning Rule of Statutory Construction in Sackett v. EPA (II), Dana Neacsu
The Persistent Treatise, Dana Neacsu and Paul Douglas Callister
Computationally Assessing Suspicion, Wesley M. Oliver
Submissions from 2023
Let the Right Ones In: The Supreme Court's Changing Approach to Justiciability, Richard L. Heppner
Rooted: Metaphors and Judicial Philosophy in Artis v. District of Columbia, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
Analysis of Carson v. Makin, Wilson Huhn
Foreword: New Supreme Court Cases: Duquesne Law Faculty Explains, Wilson Huhn
Patriarchal Violence, Rona Kaufman
Privacy: Pre- and Post-Dobbs, Rona Kaufman
An Alternative to the Independent State Legislature Doctrine, Bruce Ledewitz
No Balancing For Anticonstitutional Government Conduct, Bruce Ledewitz
Who Watches the Watchmen? Using the Law Governing Lawyers to Identify the Applicant Duty Gap and Hold Bar Examiner Gatekeepers Accountable, Ashley M. London
Applying Bentham's Theory of Fallacies to Chief Justice Roberts' Reasoning in West Virginia v. EPA, Dana Neacsu
A "Mere Shadow" of a Conflict: Obscuring the Establishment Clause in Kennedy v. Bremerton, Ann L. Schiavone
Submissions from 2022
El Juicio Político O Impeachment En Los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker
Appealing Compelled Disclosures in Discovery that Threaten First Amendment Rights, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
How to Raise Disagreements with Senior Attorneys, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
Dobbs Is Not a Religion Case, Bruce Ledewitz
Technology - Revealing or Framing the Truth? A Jurisprudential Debate, Dana Neacsu
Submissions from 2021
Teaching Lawyers to Think Like Leaders: The Next Big Shift in Legal Education, April Mara Barton
Ecological and Holistic Analysis of the Epistemic Value of Law Libraries, Paul D. Callister and Dana Neacsu
Addressing Employers' Citation Systems Confusion, Maria Comas and Jan M. Levine
The Piracy Paradox and Indigenous Fashion, Aman Gebru
Foreword: A Century Since Suffrage: How Did We Get Here? Where Will We Go? How Will We Get There?, Rona Kaufman
A Curmudgeon's View of the Multi-Generational Teaching of Legal Writing, Jan M. Levine
Soft Law for Unbiased and Nondiscriminatory Artificial Intelligence, Emile Loza de Siles
Social Services and Mutual Aid in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond: A Brief Critique, Dana Neacsu
The aesthetic ideology of Juliana v. United States and its impact on environmentally engaged citizenship, Dana Neacsu
Transaction Cost Economics, Labor Law, and the Gig Economy, Seth C. Oranburg and Liya Palagashvili
The Road to Bostock, John Rice
Submissions from 2020
Conceptualizing Appealability: Resisting the Supreme Court's Categorical Imperative, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
Call for Amerca's Law Professors to Oppose Court-Packing, Bruce S. Ledewitz
Artificial Intelligence: Thinking About Law, Law Practice, and Legal Education [Forward], Jan M. Levine
AI Report: Humanity Is Doomed. Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money!, Ashley M. London
Something Wicked This Way Thumbs: Personal Contact Concerns of Text-Based Attorney Marketing, Ashley M. London
Academic Law Libraries and Scholarship: Communication, Publishing, and Ranking, Dana Neacsu and James Donovan
Mind the Gap: Technology as a Lifeline for Pro Se Child Custody Appeals, Katherine L.W. Norton
The Middle Ground: A Meaningful Balance Between the Benefits and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence to Assist with the Justice Gap, Katherine L.W. Norton
Online Onboarding: Corporate Governance Training In The COVID-19 Era, Seth C. Oranburg and Benjamin P. Kahn
Corporations Hybrid: A COVID Case Study on Innovation in Business Law Pedagogy, Seth C. Oranburg and David D. Tamasy
Sibling conflict over a parent's end-of-life care: A legal perspective, Grace Wankiiri Orsatti
Submissions from 2019
Patents, Disclosure, and Biopiracy, Aman Gebru
I, Too, Sing America: Presidential Pardon Power and the Perception of Good Character, Jalila Jefferson-Bullock
How State Courts Can Help America Recover the Rule of Law: The Pennsylvania Experience, Bruce Ledewitz
SCOTUS Gerrymandering Case: Roberts Didn't Defend Constitutional Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
Taking the Threat to Democracy Seriously, Bruce S. Ledewitz
What is the Best Model for Investigating Presidential Wrongdoing Today?, Bruce S. Ledewitz
K-9 Catch-22:The Impossible Dilemma Of Using Police Dogs In Apprehension Of Suspects, Ann L. Schiavone
Submissions from 2018
Coding Suspicion, Arthur Crivella, Wesley M. Oliver, and Morgan Gray
Intellectual Property and Bioprospecting: A Model Legal Framework, Aman Gebru
Statutory Damages and Standing after Spokeo v. Robins, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
Shall These Bones Live? Resurrecting Truth in American Law and Public Discourse [Foreword], Wilson Huhn
Quelling the Silver Tsunami: Compassionate Release of Elderly Offenders, Jalila Jefferson-Bullock
The Obama Judge and the Foundations of the Rule of Law, Bruce Ledewitz
The Resurrection of Trust in American Law and Public Discourse, Bruce Ledewitz
Athletes, Veterans, and Neuroscience : A Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury and Law [Foreword], Jane Campbell Moriarty
Deceptively Simple: Framing, Intuition, and Judicial Gatekeeping of Forensic Feature-Comparison Methods Evidence, Jane Campbell Moriarty
Who Speaks for Neuroscience? Neuroimaging Evidence and Courtroom Expertise, Jane Campbell Moriarty and Daniel D. Langleben
Prohibition's Anachronistic Exclusionary Rule, Wesley M. Oliver
Submissions from 2017
Mountain or Molehill?, Steven Baicker-McKee
The Excited Utterance Paradox, Steven Baicker-McKee
The Global Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Searching for the Minimum Consensus, Aman Gebru
Has Nihilism Politicized the Supreme Court Nomination Process?, Bruce Ledewitz
Fifth Colonial Frontier Legal Writing Conference Drafting Statutes and Rules: Pedagogy, Practice, and Politics [Foreword], Jan M. Levine
History's Calling: Today's Racism and the Elevation of Lawyers and Legal Practice, Emile Loza de Siles
Popular Culture and Legal Pluralism: Narrative as Law. By Wendy A. Adams [book review], Dana Neacsu
The Impact of Science and Technology on the Rights of the Individual. By Nicola Lucchi [Book Review], Dana Neacsu
Writing the Law: Developing the 'Citizen Lawyer' Identity through Legislative, Statutory, and Rule Drafting Courses, Ann L. Schiavone
Submissions from 2016
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes: Turn and Face the Strange...2015 Amendments to the FRCP, Steven Baicker-McKee
The Impact of Justice Scalia's Replacement on Gender Equality Issues, Wilson Huhn
How Much Punishment Is Enough?: Embracing Uncertainty in Modern Sentencing Reform, Jalila Jefferson-Bullock
Seeing Voices: Potential Neuroscience Contributions to a Reconstruction of Legal Insanity, Jane Campbell Moriarty
The Creation of the Common Law: The Medieval Year Books Deciphered. By Thomas Lund. [Book Review], Dana Neacsu
Bill Cosby, the Lustful Disposition Exception, and the Doctrine of Chances, Wesley M. Oliver
Prohibition, Stare Decisis, and the Lagging Ability of Science to Influence Criminal Procedure, Wesley M. Oliver
George Zimmerman, Jerry Sandusky, and the Ethics of Counsel's Use of the Media, Wesley M. Oliver and Rebecca L. Silinski
Real Bite: Legal Realism and Meaningful Rational Basis in Dog Law and Beyond, Ann L. Schiavone
Unleashing the Fourteenth Amendment, Ann L. Schiavone
Military Mothers and Claims Under the Federal Tort Claims Act for Injuries that Occur Pre-Birth, Tara Willke
Submissions from 2015
Reconceptualizing Managerial Judges, Steven Baicker-McKee
The Award of E-Discovery Costs to the Prevailing Party: An Analog Solution in a Digital World, Steven Baicker-McKee
Constrained Choice: Mothers, The State, and Domestic Violence, Rona Kaufman
Holistic Pregnancy: Rejecting the Theory of the Adversarial Mother, Rona Kaufman
Designing Spaces: Planning the Physical Space for a Legal Writing Program, Jan M. Levine
Fourth Colonial Frontier Legal Writing Conference: Teaching the Academically Underprepared Law Student [Foreword], Jan M. Levine
Amnesty International Report on Police Use of Force, Wesley M. Oliver
Charles Lindergh, Caryl Chessman, and the Exception Proving the (Potentially Waning) Rule of Broad Prosecutorial Discretion, Wesley M. Oliver
Domestic Violence, Gun Possession, and the Importance of Context, Wesley M. Oliver
Prohibition’s Lingering Shadow: Under-Regulation of Official Uses of Force, Wesley M. Oliver