Content Posted in 2023
September 19, 2008: Who Lost Ukraine?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 19, 2009: Why Secularism Needs the High Holy Days or Something Like Them, Bruce Ledewitz
September 19, 2011: No Clergy at the 9/11 Ceremony, Bruce Ledewitz
September 19, 2015: Shabbat Shuvah, Bruce Ledewitz
September 20, 2020: Happy New Year, Bruce Ledewitz
September 20, 2021: Two Recent Columns--the Texas Anti-Abortion statute and Justice Wecht and the Death of God, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2007: Hallowed Secularism and Humanism, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2008: The Bailout is Socialism, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2009: ACORN’s Crime is Organizing Poor People, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2012: The High Holy Days Without Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2016: You Have a Moral Obligation to Vote for Hillary Clinton, Bruce Ledewitz
September 21, 2018: The End of Constitutional Government, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2009: Chardin’s Challenge to Secularists, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2011: Hilary Putnam Misinterprets the Oven of Aknai Story, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2015: How to be Secular, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2017: Asking the Wrong Question, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2018: When Does Disagreement on Climate Become Dishonesty?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 2, 2021: The steal in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2011: Unions and the Separation of Church and State, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2013: The Believer Who Wills Not To Believe, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2016: An Open Letter to Fred Barnes, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2017: More Lies: On Iranian Compliance and Deficit Denial, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2019: Bends Toward Justice Podcast--Where You Can Hear It Now, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2019: Nihilism in the Heartland, Bruce Ledewitz
September 22, 2020: Today's Column on the Confirmation Fight, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2007: Hallowed Secularism and the Future of Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2008: Excerpt from For the Establishment of Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2010: Why Global Warming Cannot be Happening, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2012: What’s So Bad About Technology?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2015: Yom Kippur, Bruce Ledewitz
September 23, 2018: Politics After the Death of God, Bruce Ledewitz
September 24, 2009: The Death of the Death of God, Bruce Ledewitz
September 24, 2014: What President Obama Should Have Said, Bruce Ledewitz
September 25, 2010: The Religious Person is One who is Open to the Call of History, Bruce Ledewitz
September 25, 2011: Justice Scalia at Duquesne Law School, Bruce Ledewitz
September 25, 2012: Tax Cuts Are Not a Policy, Bruce Ledewitz
September 25, 2015: Pope Francis Visits, Bruce Ledewitz
September 26, 2008: No, You Don't Live an Exemplary Life, Bruce Ledewitz
September 26, 2018: Constitution Day Talk at Robert Morris University, Bruce Ledewitz
September 27, 2009: A Secular Yom Kippur, Bruce Ledewitz
September 27, 2013: What Is the Meaning of the Fall/Original Sin?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 27, 2014: How to Pray, Bruce Ledewitz
September 27, 2018: Abortion and Climate Change, Bruce Ledewitz
September 28: 2008: Repentence, Bruce Ledewitz
September 28, 2011: The End of Religious Legal Theory, Bruce Ledewitz
September 28, 2014: The Most Pressing Issue of Our Time: The Relationship between Science and Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 28, 2021: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Race--I don't trust the Democrats and I am afraid of the Republicans, Bruce Ledewitz
September 29, 2007: Hallowed Secularism Constitution Day Address, Bruce Ledewitz
September 29, 2016: A Nihilistic Election, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2009: Final Reflection on a Secular Yom Kippur, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2010: Ignorant of Religion but Believing in God, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2012: Yes, You Can Be a Nonreligious, Nonzionist Jew, But What is the Point?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2015: Did Pope Francis Do His Job?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 30, 2017: The Drama of Religious Life, Bruce Ledewitz
September 3, 2008: Politicized Religion, Bruce Ledewitz
September 3, 2013: Why Jewish, but Not Christian, Writers?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 4, 2007: Hallowed Secularism and God, Bruce Ledewitz
September 4, 2009: Blurring of Church and State on Healthcare, Bruce Ledewitz
September 4, 2010: The Reaction to Daniel Quinn, Bruce Ledewitz
September 4, 2012: Hallowed Secularism Book Talk, Bruce Ledewitz
September 5, 2008: Thinkers in the New Secularism: Stuart Kauffman, Bruce Ledewitz
September 5, 2009: “Debate” Over Obama Speech an Unpatriotic Disgrace, Bruce Ledewitz
September 5, 2011: Happy Labor Day, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2007: Hallowed Secularism and Economics, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2010: George F. Will as a Know-Nothing, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2012: Beating the Drums for War with Iran, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2014: Religion in Magic in the Moonlight, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2015: Kim Davis is No Religious Martyr, No Prisoner of Conscience, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2016: Is Secularism Doomed to Superficiality and an Incapacity to Sustain the Human Spirit?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 6, 2020: "art is not enough, but art is all we have", Bruce Ledewitz
September 7, 2008: Victory in Iraq, Bruce Ledewitz
September 7, 2013: Religious Identity and Sports Teams, Bruce Ledewitz
September 7, 2015: A Heideggerian Prayer, Bruce Ledewitz
September 7, 2017: Spending Money We Don't Have, Bruce Ledewitz
September 8, 2007: Hallowed Secularism and Constitutional Law, Bruce Ledewitz
September 8, 2010: How is Forgiveness Possible?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 8, 2011: Check Out Religion Dispatches on Church, State, and the Crisis in American Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
September 9, 2008: Jeffrey Stout: The Folly of Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
September 9, 2009: How Did Corporations Get Constitutional Rights?, Bruce Ledewitz
September 9, 2018: Happy New Year, Bruce Ledewitz
Series: Lacan and Phenomenology, Derek Hook Ph.D.
Sex and the Superman: Gender and the Superhero Monomyth, Christopher Maverick
Sex-specific Effects of Chaperone and Glial Defenses on Experimental Lewy Body Disease, Tarun Bhatia
Sheltering at Our Common Home, H. A.M.J. ten Have
Shortened Judicial Term May Prove to be Lucky, Bruce Ledewitz
Sinodalidade universal: uma experiência ortodoxa, Radu Bordelanu
Sister Mary Dennis Donovan, Catholic Action, and Human Relations in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the 1940s through the 1970s, Kathleen M. Washy
Situating Heirloom Presence Within the Family Narrative: That Is/Was Then, This Is/Was Now, Rachel Savorelli
Six lessons from the debt deal. What did we learn?, Bruce Ledewitz
Sources of Injustice in Death Penalty Practice, Bruce Ledewitz
Spiritains pour aujourd’hui: Peter Oduenyi Dike, C.S.Sp., 1948-2010, Joseph Oguejiofor Okafor C.S.Sp.
Spiritan Mission and Development in a Rapidly Changing World, Michael Begley CSSp
Spiritan Rule of Life & Chapter Documents
Spirochete, Felicia Bedford
Spotlight On Archives Good Samaritan Parish Archives, Sally Witt CSJ
Spotted Lanternflies: Their Harm and How to Help, Sao Mai Nguyen
Stalwarts of Spiritan African Mission – Bishop Joseph Shanahan, C.S.Sp. (1871-1943), Charles A. Ebelebe CSSp
Standardization of Journal Title Information from Interlibrary Loan Data: A Customized Python Code Approach, Jennifer Ye Moon-Chung
Stanley Hauerwas' Approach to Christian Marital and Sex Ethics: A Review and Speculative Expansion, Jeffrey A. Schooley
Statutory Damages and Standing after Spokeo v. Robins, Richard L. Heppner Jr.
Step Down, Justice Melvin, Bruce Ledewitz
Steps Toward The Total Synthesis of The Chrysosporazine Family, Katie Kaczynski
Stop calling Kyle Rittenhouse a hero. He killed two unarmed people, Bruce Ledewitz
Strategies, ideas, and lessons learned while engaging in SoTL without formal training, Daniel R. Kennedy, Robert D. Beckett, and Lauren A. O’donnell
Stress, trauma, and perception of eating behavior changes during the first weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, Yvette G. Karvay, Chelsea Helion, Athena Vafiadis, David V. Smith, and Johanna M. Jarcho
Stretching Religious Liberty, Bruce Ledewitz
Structural and thermodynamic consequences of the G31U and U5C mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 s2m, Adam H. Kensinger, Joseph A. Makowski, Kendy A. Pellegrene, Caylee L. Cunningham, Caleb J. Frye, Patrick E. Lackey, Mihaela Rita Mihailescu, and Jeffrey D. Evanseck
Structural, Dynamical, and Entropic Differences between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 s2m Elements Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Adam H. Kensinger, Joseph A. Makowski, Kendy A. Pellegrene, Joshua A. Imperatore, Caylee L. Cunningham, Caleb J. Frye, Patrick E. Lackey, Mihaela Rita Mihailescu, and Jeffrey D. Evanseck
Structure-Based Design of Transport-Specific Multitargeted One-Carbon Metabolism Inhibitors in Cytosol and Mitochondria, Md Junayed Nayeen, Jade M. Katinas, Tejashree Magdum, Khushbu Shah, Jennifer E. Wong, Carrie E. O’Connor, Alexandra N. Fifer, Adrianne Wallace-Povirk, Zhanjun Hou, Larry H. Matherly, Charles E. Dann, and Aleem Gangjee
Submission Guidelines: Membership Information
Supply Chain Collaboration Under a Christian Business Ethics Lens, Daniel Oldak
Sure, things seem bad. But there are some reasons to be cheerful in 2022, Bruce Ledewitz
Survey Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Menstrual Cycle Tracking Technologies, Theresa M. Stujenske, Qiyan Mu, Melisssa Pérez Capotosto, and Thomas P. Bouchard
Synodalité universelle : une expérience orthodoxe, Radu Bordeianu
Synode pour une Église pauvre: Le pape François, les pauvres et le synode., George Worgul Jr.
Synod for a Poor Church: Pope Francis, the Poor and the Synod, George Worgul Jr., Ph.D.
Synthesis and Optimization of Nitroxide-Based Inhibitors of Ferroptotic Cell Death in Cancer Cells and Macrophages, Manwika Charaschanya, Taber S. Maskrey, Matthew G. LaPorte, Jelena M. Janjic, and Peter Wipf
Synthesis and Physicochemical Characterization of Noncentrosymmetric Quaternary Sulfides with Potential Nonlinear Optical Applications, Andrew J. Craig
Taking DEI to Duquesne University Staff and Beyond, Crystal McCormick Ware and Dana Whatley Smith
“Taking the Threat to American Democracy Seriously: The Truth/Justice/Democracy Initiative,”, Bruce Ledewitz
Tales of the Donkey-A New Future for the Democratic Party, Bruce Ledewitz
Tax cuts cause inflation, too. We need to resist quick fixes, Bruce Ledewitz
Tax Reform Held Hostage by Constitutional Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Teaching Programming for Lawyers, Judith Simms
Technological Content Knowledge and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge in Secondary Science Teachers: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Stefanie Graban
Tendances Actuelles de la Justice Sociale Dans les Activités Spiritaines: Une Attention Particulière À L’influence de Laudato Si', Anita Zubert and Flore Delaney
TGFα preserves oligodendrocyte lineage cells and improves white matter integrity after cerebral ischemia, Xuejiao Dai, Jie Chen, Fei Xu, Jingyan Zhao, Wei Cai, Zeyu Sun, T. Kevin Hitchens, Lesley M. Foley, Rehana K. Leak, Jun Chen, and Xiaoming Hu
The 2021 race for Pa. Supreme Court: The questions the candidates have to answer, Bruce Ledewitz
The 2022 International Society for Hip Preservation (ISHA) physiotherapy agreement on assessment and treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS): an international consensus statement, Ashley Disantis, Antonio J. Andrade, Alexander Baillou, Nicolas Bonin, Thomas Byrd, Ashley Campbell, Benjamin Domb, Holly Doyle, Keelan Enseki, Barry Getz, Lucie Gosling, Louise Grant, Victor M Ilizaliturri, Dave Kohlrieser, Jovan Laskovski, Liran Lifshitz, Ryan P McGovern, Katie Monnington, and John O'Donnell
The Academic Law Library’s Place, Julie Tedjeske Crane
The Achievement of Bernd Jager: Duquesne Studies in Phenomenology Volume 3, Jeffrey McCurry
The acyltransferase Gpc1 is both a target and an effector of the unfolded protein response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Victoria Lee Hrach, William R. King, Laura D. Nelson, Shane Conklin, John A. Pollock, and Jana Patton-Vogt
The Barriers Between Mental Health Support and Physicians, Emily Coppeta
The Big Lie is undermining our democracy. Both parties need to defeat it, Bruce Ledewitz
The Bright Future of Gay Marriage, Bruce Ledewitz
The Candidate's Credo, September 12, 1960
The Casey Conundrum, Bruce Ledewitz
The Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania 2021 Donor List
The Challenge of, and Judicial Response to, Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions, Bruce Ledewitz
The Change In Representation Of Women In Perfume Advertisements With Respect To Power, Rasika More
The Constitutions of Sustainable Capitalism and Beyond, Bruce Ledewitz
The Contribution of Ethical Governance of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Healthcare, Tina Nguyen
The Convention of the Hero's Journey as seen in Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, Tolomé Mazariegos
The Death Penalty—An Issue of Conscience and Conflict, Bruce Ledewitz
The Death Penalty—An Issue of Conscience and Conflict, Bruce Ledewitz
The Debate over Bork Nomination Misses the Point, Bruce Ledewitz
The Dedication of a Historical Marker: Recognizing the Contributions of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, Casey Bowser
The Dedication of a Historical Marker: Sisters of St. Joseph and Pennsylvania’s Garb Act, Sally Witt CSJ
“The 'Disorienting Dilemma' of Legal Education”, Geraldine Kalim
The Durham Report shows why we don’t want the FBI involved in politics, Bruce Ledewitz
The Eat Sleep Console Approach: An Evaluation of Impact, Outcomes and Continuation of Care, Stefanie DISILVIO
The Effectiveness of an Evidence-Based Performance Feedback Intervention Through Zoom Communications, Inc., Kristen Mahony
The effect of social skills on analyst performance, Congcong Li, An Ping Lin, and Hai Lu
The Effects of Digital Game-Based Instruction on Knowledge Acquisition and Retention of Genetics Content, Brinley Kantorski
The Electoral College is dangerously vulnerable to manipulation. It's time to fix it, Bruce Ledewitz
The End of American Democracy?, Bruce Ledewitz
The Ethical Dilemma of Discovering Misattributed Paternity in Living Kidney Donation, Zehra Mehdi
“The Fellowship of the Library: Analyzing Librarian Involvement with Legal Writing and Research Courses to Better Prepare Students”, Austin Waters
The First Stone of the Death Penalty, Bruce Ledewitz
The Five Days in June When Values Died in American Law, Bruce Ledewitz
The Flesh of Things, Jacques de Visscher
The Future of God—and Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
The Future of God—and Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
The Future of Microbiome Research, Anna Vietmeier
The Future of Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
The Hermeneutics of Nudging: The Reciprocity Between Transhumanism and Nudging, Ian Doherty
The identification and genetic characteristics of Quang Binh virus from field-captured Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Guizhou Province, China, Xiaomin Tang, Rongting Li, Yanfei Qi, Weiyi Li, Zhihao Liu, and Jiahong Wu
The impact of a firm's corporate social responsibility on firm–supplier relationships: The effect of secondary stakeholder CSR on inventory days, Christopher Groening, Cheryl lyn Ngoh, and Ryan Luchs
The Impact of Societal Perceptions of ADHD, Tessa Schlechter
The Impact of the Social Story Intervention on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Saudi Arabia, Marwan Alkhudhayri
The Incredible Shrinking Free Exercise Clause, Bruce Ledewitz
"The Information Literate K‐JD”, Laura Wilcoxon
The Law of the Jubilee in Modern Perspective, Bruce Ledewitz
The Legacy of the Journals Started by Monsignor Andrew A. Lambing and Martin I. J. Griffin, John C. Bates Esq.
The Life of François Poullart des Places as a Paradigm for a Spiritan Boys’ School Education, Chris McDermott CSSp
The Lived Body: Creating Space for Self and Other, Holly Mohr
"The Lost Swedish‐Language Minnesota Practice Rules of John B. West”, Nicholas Mignanelli
The midterms were good news for Dems, but even better news for the country, Bruce Ledewitz
The Morality of Capital Punishment: An Exchange, Bruce Ledewitz
The Morality of Capital Punishment: An Exchange, Bruce Ledewitz
The nation’s debt limit serves no purpose. It should be eliminated, Bruce Ledewitz
The New New Secularism and the End of the Law of the Separation of Church and State, Bruce Ledewitz
The New Role of Statutory Aggravating Circumstances in American Death Penalty Law, Bruce Ledewitz
The Obama Judge and the Foundations of the Rule of Law, Bruce Ledewitz
‘The Obstacle is the Way’: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities for Video-Reflexive Ethnography During COVID-19, Michael R. Gionfriddo and Ann Dadich
Theological Perspectives of the Mass in B minor, BWV 232, Maria Jimena Picado Sandi
The one good thing about the independent state legislature theory, Bruce Ledewitz
The one religious question that Amy Coney Barrett shouldn’t have to answer, Bruce Ledewitz
The Openness of Talmud, Bruce Ledewitz
Theorizing, Journeying, Dwelling, Bernd Jager
The Panama Canal Treaties were Carter’s biggest foreign policy win, Bruce Ledewitz
“The Persistent Treatise” & Paul Callister, Dana Neacsu and Paul Callister
The Pgh synagogue shooting case should’ve been heard in Pa. court, Bruce Ledewitz
The Power of the President to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
The Present and Future of Federalism, Bruce Ledewitz
The Promise of Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
The Purple Heart and Suicidal Behaviors in Post-9/11 U.S. Army Combat Veterans with a Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mixed Methods Study, Jayna Moceri-Brooks
The Questions Rehnquist Hasn't Had to Answer, Bruce Ledewitz
Therapeutic targeting of mitochondrial one-carbon metabolism in cancer, Aamod S. Dekhne, Zhanjun Hou, Aleem Gangjee, and Larry H. Matherly
There are limits to the American Renaissance over Ukraine, Bruce Ledewitz
The Reception of Isaiah's Suffering Servant in Thomas Aquinas' Theology of the Cross, Daniel Waldow
The Relationship Between Alcohol-Related Content on Social Media and Alcohol Outcomes in Young Adults: A Scoping Review Protocol, Mai-Ly N. Steers, Megan Strowger, Angela B. Tanygin, Rose Marie Ward, and David Nolfi
The Religion of the Primitives, Alexandre Le Roy
The Requirement of Death: Mandatory Language in the Pennsylvania Death Penalty Statute, Bruce Ledewitz
The Requirement of Death: Mandatory Language in the Pennsylvania Death Penalty Statute, Bruce Ledewitz
There’s a pro-abortion rights case to be made for keeping the Hyde Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
There’s a secular need for the High Holy Days. This is why, Bruce Ledewitz
The Resurrection of Trust in American Law and Public Discourse, Bruce Ledewitz
The Resurrection of Trust in American Law and Public Discourse, Bruce Ledewitz
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing Agility and Performance: Moderation–Mediation Analysis of Organizational Creativity and of the Involvement of Customers as Data Analysts, Usama Awan, Sabeen Hussain Bhatti, Saqib Shamim, Zaheer Khan, Pervaiz Akhtar, and Maria Elisavet Balta
The Role of Executive Clemency in Modern Death Penalty Cases, Bruce Ledewitz
The Role of Lower State Courts in Adapting State Law to Changed Federal Interpretations, Bruce Ledewitz
The Role of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools in the Renewal of American Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
The sales effect of “Free App of the Day” on Amazon Appstore: An empirical study, Hong Chen, Kevin Lachaud, and Wenqi Zhou
The San Francisco school board’s vote removing Lincoln’s, Washington's names was wrong. Here's why, Bruce Ledewitz
The SIT-PT Trial Protocol: A Dose-Matched Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing 2 Physical Therapist Interventions for Infants and Toddlers with Cerebral Palsy, Stacey C. Dusing, Regina T. Harbourne, Lin Ya Hsu, Natalie A. Koziol, Kari Kretch, Barbara Sargent, Sandra Jensen-Willett, Sarah Westcott McCoy, and Douglas L. Vanderbilt
The Spiritan Mission & Communication: Guided by the Spirit to Respond and Adapt to the World, Lazarus Langbiir CSSp
The steal in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, explained, Bruce Ledewitz
The Supreme Court’s abortion, EPA rulings could open the door to more democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
The Supreme Court Will Preserve the Bladensburg Cross, But It Matters How, Bruce Ledewitz
The Tale of DJ-1 (PARK7): A Swiss Army Knife in Biomedical and Psychological Research, Mo E. Sun and Qingfei Zheng
The Theological Error Behind Post-Liberalism’s Bid for Political Power, Bruce Ledewitz
The The Universe is on Our Side: Restoring Faith in American Public Life, Bruce Ledewitz
The Threat of Independent Political Spending to Democratic Life—And a Plan to Stop It, Bruce Ledewitz
“The Treatise and the Code”, Shawn Nevers
The Uncertain Power of the President to Execute the Laws, Bruce Ledewitz
The Use of Self-Monitoring and Technology to Increase Physical Activity: A Review of the Literature, E. Justin Page, Andrew S. Massey, Pedro N. Prado-Romero, and Shadi Albadawi
The Vietnam Draft Cases and the Pro-Religion Equality Project, Bruce Ledewitz
The views aired at Pitt debate were ugly. It was still right to let it happen, Bruce Ledewitz
The Wall Falls, Bruce Ledewitz
The 'Ways of Seeing' South Park as a News Outlet, Emily Fritzs
Think we’re powerless against hate speech? The Constitution provides plenty of room to address it, Bruce Ledewitz
This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism, Bruce Ledewitz
This is the right moment for the Democrats to run a fiscal hawk, Bruce Ledewitz
This year’s divided electorate is a reminder of why we need workable, governing majorities, Bruce Ledewitz
Those constitutional amendments were aimed at the Pa. Supreme Court as much as they were at Wolf, Bruce Ledewitz
Today’s Supreme Court: ‘Not a normal court,’ but not unprecedented either, Bruce Ledewitz
To Do Justice Between Man and Man, (Tribute to Judge Robert Taylor), Bruce Ledewitz
Toomey’s vote against Ketanji Brown Jackson set a dangerous precedent. Here's why, Bruce Ledewitz
“To Train the Legal Mind: An Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery and the Creation of a Pro‐Slavery Legal Education”, John Moreland
Toward a Meaning-Full Establishment Clause Neutrality, Bruce Ledewitz
Toward Automatically Identifying Legally Relevant Factors, Morgan Gray, Jaromir Savelka, Wesley Oliver, and Kevin Ashley
Tracking Changes in the Endorsement of Injunctive Drinking Norms in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Longitudinal Alignment Analysis, Robert E. Wickham, Mai Ly N. Steers, Rose Marie Ward, and Ryan Liu-Pham
Transcriptomic and functional studies reveal undermined chemotactic and angiostimulatory properties of aged microglia during stroke recovery, Lu Jiang, Hongfeng Mu, Fei Xu, Di Xie, Wei Su, Jing Xu, Zeyu Sun, Silvia Liu, Jianhua Luo, Yejie Shi, Rehana K. Leak, Lawrence R. Wechsler, Jun Chen, and Xiaoming Hu
“Transformative Legal Education Through Critical Legal Research and CollaborativeInstruction”, Jennifer Chapman
Transformers for classifying fourth amendment elements and factors tests, Evan Gretok, David Langerman, and Wesley M. Oliver
Translation and linguistic validation of the Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale for Korean breast cancer survivors: A cognitive interviewing study, Sue Kim, Inah Kim, Nancy W. Glynn, and Min Kyeong Jang
Translation and validation of the medication management patient satisfaction survey: The Lebanese Arabic version, Nada Alaa Eddine, James B. Schreiber, and Mohamed Ezzat Khamis Amin
Transmettre le programme DÉI au personnel de l'université Duquesne et à un public plus large encore, Crystal McCormick Ware and Dana Whatley Smith
‘Trinity’ Case Marks Death of Originalism, Bruce Ledewitz
Trump isn’t going to jail. And that’s good news for Democrats, Bruce Ledewitz
Type, dose, and outcomes of physical therapy interventions for unilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction: protocol for a systematic review, Carrie W. Hoppes, Eric R. Anson, Wendy J. Carender, Gregory F. Marchetti, Courtney D. Hall, Susan L. Whitney, Christiana Keinath, and Susan J. Herdman
Type II interferon signaling in the brain during a viral infection with age-dependent pathogenesis, Patrick S. Creisher, Manisha N. Chandwani, Yashika S. Kamte, Jordan R. Covvey, Priya Ganesan, and Lauren A. O'Donnell
Ukrainians are fighting and dying to defend their homes. Could I do the same?, Bruce Ledewitz
Uma visão dos direitos humanos como missão espiritana de hoje, Andrzej Owca
Um diálogo proporcional aos interlocutores ou a perspectiva actual das relações interreligiosas no Senegal, Jean Claude Angoula
Um século de compromisso espiritano na paróquia de St. Ann em Millvale, Pittsburgh, Dennis Ranalli
Understanding the Psychological Significance of Astrology in Millennial Women's Lives, Rachel June Floyd
Understanding Widowhood Cultural Practices Among Nigerian Americans: A Mini Ethnonursing Study, Prisca Anuforo and Rick Zoucha
Une Approche des droits de l’homme comme mission spiritaine pour aujourd’hui, Andrzej Owca C.S.Sp.
Une Déclaration de théologiens orthodoxes sur l’enseignement du "Monde russe" (Russkii mir)., Théologiens orthodoxes
Une particularité Spiritaine? Considérations Historiques Sur la Période entre Des Places et Libermann, Jotham Parsons
Unité des contraires: Mission de l’université et excellence académique, Ronald C. Arnett
Universal Synodality: An Orthodox Experience, Radu Bordeianu Ph.D.
Unnaming, Beth Jennings
Un Siècle D’engagement Spiritain à la Paroisse St. Ann De Millvale (Pittsburgh), Dennis Ranalli
Up Against the Wall of Separation: The Question of Religious Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
Uridylation of the histone mRNA stem-loop weakens binding interactions with SLBP while maintaining interactions with 3’hExo, Morgan Shine, Sarah E. Harris, Kendy A. Pellegrene, Adam H. Kensinger, Mihaela Rita Mihailescu, Jeffrey D. Evanseck, and Patrick E. Lackey
URSS 2023 Program Booklet, Joel Ward
Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Lower Extremity Research, Yongni Zhang, Yaning Zang, Jiayi Ren, Wenhao Guo, Ashley Disantis, Siyu Liu, and Robroy L. Martin
Using a Three-Dimensional Theoretical Orientation Matching Model to Predict Therapeutic Outcomes, Daniel Rhodes
Using Differential Item Functioning to Test for Interrater Reliability in Constructed Response Items, Cindy M. Walker and Sakine Göçer Şahin
Verbal Responsiveness in Parents of Toddlers With and Without Autism During a Home Observation, Abigail Delehanty, Jessica L. Hooker, and Amy M. Wetherby
Veterans' experiences with and perspectives on insomnia treatment: A qualitative study, Adam D. Bramoweth, Keri L. Rodriguez, Gloria J. Klima, Cathleen J. Appelt, and Matthew J. Chinman
Victims of the Law, Bruce Ledewitz
Vierge de Guadalupe et missiologie, Cornelius McQuillan C.S.Sp.
Vingt-sept années à la Division de la vie étudiante de l’université Duquesne, Sean Hogan C.S.Sp.
Vinte e Sete Anos na Divisão de Vida Estudantil da Universidade Duquesne, Sean Hogan C.S.Sp.
Vivement l’Église!, Fernand J. Cheri O.F.M.
Weakness, Folly, Insistence, Glory: The Phenomenal God of John D. Caputo, Catherine Keller
We are all Jews now. To fight anti-semitism, it’s time to don a kippah, Bruce Ledewitz
Weathering the Storm: Navigating Urban Ecologies of Communication in Times of Crisis, Austin Hestdalen
Wecht Panel #4: Biography of Cyril Wecht
Wecht Panel #5: Questioning the Warren Commission Findings and Building a Case
Wecht Panel #6: Dr. Wecht Refutes the Single Bullet Theory
Wecht Panel #7: Dr. Wecht's Forensic Investigations on Other Controversial Cases
Wecht Panel #8: Dr. Wecht's Involvement in National and Local Police Misconduct Cases
We have to defeat the myth of the stolen election. We risk destroying our democracy if we don't, Bruce Ledewitz
Well Child Wednesdays: An interprofessional pilot-program to increase pediatric immunizations Post-COVID, Autumn Stewart-Lynch, Sylvia Lombardo, Donna Ceriani, and Shelley Mastrangelo
We need independent judicial review. We don’t need the filibuster. Let's get rid of it, Bruce Ledewitz
We never needed a Jan. 6 Commission. We need a Nov. 3 commission. This is why, Bruce Ledewitz
What About the Morality of Torture, Results Aside?, Bruce Ledewitz
What a novel can teach us about religion in America, Bruce Ledewitz
What bad decisions by Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom have in common, Bruce Ledewitz
What both sides of the abortion fight can learn from Antonin Scalia, Bruce Ledewitz
What can Democrats learn from Trump’s 2020 performance?, Bruce Ledewitz
What Does It Mean To Be Coherent? Mathematics And Science Teachers Consider Coherency In Curriculum Decision Making, Mona Baniahmadi
What does the Jan. 6 committee hope to learn from Sen. Doug Mastriano?, Bruce Ledewitz
What Has gone Wrong and what can we do About it?, Bruce Ledewitz
What is the Best Model for Investigating Presidential Wrongdoing Today?, Bruce Ledewitz
What Made the Spiritans Different?: Historical Reflections from des Places to Libermann, Jotham Parsons Ph.D
What's Really Wrong With the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Bruce Ledewitz
What to do about the coming crisis in the Rule of Law, Bruce Ledewitz
What will a post-Trump U.S. Supreme Court look like? It might not be all that bad for liberals, Bruce Ledewitz
When Federal Law is also State Law: The Implications for State Constitutional Law Methodology of Footnote 7 in Commonwealth v. Matos, Bruce Ledewitz
When I Left the Darwin Day Committee, Bruce Ledewitz
When it comes to prosecuting Trump, Merrick Garland needs to decide already, Bruce Ledewitz
Where are nurse-scientists? Academic nursing research at critical crossroads, Joan R. Bloch and Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow
Where Lies Prophecy?, Bruce Ledewitz
Who Did in the Democrats?, Bruce Ledewitz
Why do Pa. courts have a say on mail-in voting? They probably shouldn't, Bruce Ledewitz
Why Family Values Faltered: Capitalism, Bruce Ledewitz
Why I Am No Longer a Jew, Bruce Ledewitz
Why Secular Society Desperately Needs the Recognition of Religious Holidays, Bruce Ledewitz
Why the courts should stop Philly DA Larry Krasner’s impeachment trial, Bruce Ledewitz
Why Won't Free Speech Save Us?, Bruce Ledewitz
Wilfrid Ward on the Revelatory Nature of the Saints, Elizabeth A. Huddleston
Willy-Pierre Mbuinga-Mayunda, Le Père Duparquet, Elochukwu Uzukwu CSSp
Winking at Jubelirer’s Maneuvers, Bruce Ledewitz
Withholding Judgment: In Reading the Constitution, Judges Should Consider Their Own Morals,, Bruce Ledewitz
With Jews Under Attack, Here is a Chance to Act, Bruce Ledewitz
Without Permanence: Mapping Multi-Genre, Cross-Disciplinary Frameworks for Trans* Studies, Jesse Jack
With Pa’s highest court depleted, Shapiro, GOP Senate leaders let voters down, Bruce Ledewitz
Yes, Allegheny Co. DA Zappala should resign or be impeached. No, he shouldn't be the target of legal discipline, Bruce Ledewitz
Youth and the Juvenile Court System: A Community Foundation's Commitment to Integrating Voice and Community Expertise, Michael A. Yonas, Jennifer C. Sloan, Anna Hollis, Tiffany Sizemore, Kathi Elliott, Michelle McMurray, and Jeanne Pearlman
Zwitterionic peptides: Tunable next-generation stealth nanoparticle modifications, Clyde Overby, Soomin Park, Austin Summers, and Danielle S.W. Benoit
α-synucleinopathy exerts sex-dimorphic effects on the multipurpose DNA repair/redox protein APE1 in mice and humans, Kristin M. Miner, Anuj S. Jamenis, Tarun N. Bhatia, Rachel N. Clark, Dhivyaa Rajasundaram, Sylvie Sauvaigo, Daniel M. Mason, Jessica M. Posimo, Nevil Abraham, Brett A. DeMarco, Xiaoming Hu, R. Anne Stetler, Jun Chen, Laurie H. Sanders, Kelvin C. Luk, and Rehana K. Leak