Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Cultivating a Culture of Success in Catholic Secondary Schools in Tanzania, Peter Felix Asantebwana (Fall 2014)
Merleau-Ponty and Levinas: Traces of Childlike Peace in a World at War, Brock A. Bahler (Summer 2014)
An Examination of the Utility and Acceptability of Strength-Based Assessment in the Schools, Kaleigh Bantum (Summer 2014)
Women and the American Wilderness: Responses to Landscape and Myth, Gina Bessetti-Reyes (Spring 2014)
War and Witness in the Poetry of H.D., Denise Levertov, and Carolyn Forche, Katelyn Bienas (Spring 2014)
Graduate Students' Perception of Curriculum-Based Efficacy of the Acquisition of Multicultural Counseling Skills, Demond Ethridge Bledsoe (Summer 2014)
Awakned To A Life: An Existential- Phenomenological Examination Of The Lived Experience Of Recovery From Eating Disorders, Anthony Micheal Boone ( 2014)
Detecting the Presence of Total Coliforms and E. coli in Private Well-Water in South Western Pennsylvania, Matthew Bricker (Spring 2014)
Embracing Commonplace: Creating Ground for a Life of Rhetorically Engaged Civic Action, Jill K. Burk (Spring 2014)
Becoming a Sex Offender: A Study of Constitution at the Intersection of the Mental Health and Legal Systems, Jessica Callanan (Fall 2014)
Stages of Belief: The Nature of Audience Response in Medieval and Early Modern Drama, Rebecca Cepek (Spring 2014)
Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Diphenylamines as MEK5 Inhibitors, Suravi Chakrabarty (Fall 2014)
Sojourning in the Margin: Living as Wives of International Students, Mengchun Chiang (Fall 2014)
Effect of an Experiential Learning Model for Simulation Design on Clinical Nursing Judgment Development in Pre-Licensure Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Joyce Victor Chmil (Spring 2014)
Mongolian Folklore Expressed through Music Technology Original Multimedia Soundtrack on Horseback, Xinlei Chu (Spring 2014)
All of a Sudden: The Role of Ἐξαίφνης in Plato's Dialogues, Joseph J. Cimakasky (Spring 2014)
The Rhetoric of Benjamin Franklin as an Ethical Model for the Practice of Sales, Mark Craig ( 2014)
The A Priori Nature of the Political: Democracy and Scientific Method in Thomas Hobbes, Patrick Craig ( 2014)
Determination of the Expression Patterns of the Nine CSP Genes in Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 and the Growth Defects Associated with Deletion of These Genes, Tiffany R Czapski (Summer 2014)
Molecular Evolution of Hominoid Primates: Phylogeny and Regulation, Ranajit Das (Fall 2014)
Impact of Preschool Education on the Academic Achievement of Low Socio-Economic Status Elementary Students, Gary Dawson (Spring 2014)
The Nation as a Communicative Construct: Toward a Theory of Dialogic Nationalism, Joseph T. DeCrosta (Spring 2014)
Virtualizing The Word: Expanding Walter Ong's Theory Of Orality And Literacy Through A Culture Of Virtuality, Jennifer Camille Dempsey (Spring 2014)
Writing The Next Galileo, a Children's Musical, Joseph Domencic (Summer 2014)
Isolation and Characterization of Salinivibrio sp. Strain LP-1 from an Impoundment Used for Marcellus Shale Waste Waters, Oliver B. Dugas (Spring 2014)
Conscience and Community: Exploring the Relationship between Conscience formation and Systemic Corruption (in Nigeria), Augustine E. Ebido (Spring 2014)
The Event of Revolution, Nathan Eckstrand (Fall 2014)
Investigating Variability in Teaching Performance...Seeking Pathways to Excellence, Francine Endler (Summer 2014)
The Effect of Education on Elder Abuse, Kathleen M. Evanina (Spring 2014)
The New Endangered Species: Community-Anchoring Public Schools, Karen Ferrick-Roman (Fall 2014)
Primitive Defenses and Unilateral Termination of Psychotherapy: Are the Lerner Defense Scales Useful in Predicting Premature Termination in Psychotherapy?, Teal Fitzpatrick ( 2014)
Beyond Symptom Accumulation: A Lacanian Clinical Approach to Obsession - A Case Study and Theoretical Exposition, Julie L. Futrell (Summer 2014)
Road Narratives as Cultural Critiques: Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, John Steinbeck, and William Least Heat-Moon, Jesse Gipko (Fall 2014)
Impact of Students' Perception of Safety on Academic Success, Daniel Gittins (Fall 2014)
"The fullest possible account": Knowledge and Exceptionalism in Post-9/11 Literature, Lee Ann Glowzenski (Summer 2014)
Samuel de Champlain and the French Wars of Religion, Benjamen N. Goff (Spring 2014)
Black Existential Philosophy: Truth in Virtue of Self-Discovery, James B. Haile (Spring 2014)
In Silico-Guided Design of Novel-Scaffold Therapeutics Targeting the Dopamine D3 Receptor, Debesai Gaim Hailemicael (Fall 2014)
Semantically-Based Therapeutic Approach Through Aided Language Stimulation in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Annemarie Rozier Hall ( 2014)
Addiction to Prescription Drugs: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and Constructionist Study, Thomas Hallinan (Spring 2014)
Is Wrong Life All That Is Possible? Adorno and Aquinas on Ethics, Benjamin Hampshire (Fall 2014)
Disconnects: Expectation and Experience in Intimate Interpersonal Relationships, Kristen Jenkins Hark (Fall 2014)
An Analysis of DNF Maximum Entropy, Belinda Hasanaj (Fall 2014)
Stereoelectronic Factors in Diastereoselective Alkenenitrile Alkylations, Matthew Kartzman (Summer 2014)
Treatment-related decisional conflict, quality of life, and comorbid illness in older adults with cancer, Jeannette Kates (Spring 2014)
Development of Highly Active Ligands for Copper Catalyzed Atom Transfer Radical Processes, Aman Kaur (Fall 2014)
Pound's Progress: The Vortextual Evolution of Imagism and Its Poetic Image, Justin Kishbaugh (Summer 2014)
The Effect of Astym Treatment on Muscle Performance, Ben Richard Kivlan (Fall 2014)
A Phenomenological Analysis of The Relationship between Intersubjectivity and Imagination in Hannah Arendt, Kazue Koishikawa (Spring 2014)
Utilizing Improvement Science to Advance a Stem Improvement Effort: Increase the Number of Underserved and Underrepresented Students Who Pursue A Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic Education by Building Collective Capacity, David Andrew Kristofic Jr. ( 2014)
The Lived Experiences of Clinical Supervisors Who Develop Burnout While Working Within Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities In Pennsylvania, Kevin B. Kumpf ( 2014)
The Gamer Culture: An Exploration of Gamer Archetypes and Their Relationship with Coping Strengths, Stephen Frank Kuniak (Fall 2014)
The Influence of Loving-Kindness Meditation on Everyday Experiences of Being Angry: An Empirical Phenomenological Study, Ibrahim I. Kurdieh (Summer 2014)
Teaching in a 21st Century Educational Context: A Case Study to Explore the Alignment between Vision, Instruction and the Needs of the 21st Century Workplace, Evagkelia Lendis (Spring 2014)
University Education in a Postmodern Era: Building a Narrative Ethic of Civil Communication in the Classroom, Jill Dishart Leontiadis ( 2014)
Parental Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Outcomes: A Study of Biological Mothers and their Children in Out-of-Home Placement in Allegheny County, Courtney Lewis (Spring 2014)
The One Table of Christ's Word and Body: the Unity of Scripture and Eucharist in Dei Verbum and its Theological Precursors, Robert Matthew London (Spring 2014)
The Smartpen as a Mediational Tool for Learning Language and Content Areas: The Case of English Learners in Mainstream Classrooms, Rae Mancilla (Summer 2014)
A Constructivist Approach to Promoting Spiritual Competencies in Counselor Trainees, Devon Manderino (Summer 2014)
The Philosophers' Stone: Alchemical Imagination and the Soul's Logical Life, Stanton Marlan (Fall 2014)
The Coordination Chemistry of Dithione Ligands: Design, Syntheses, Characterization and reactivity study of Molybdenum and Select First Row Transition Metal Complexes, Benjamin Mogesa (Fall 2014)
Max Scheler's Critical Theory: The Idea of Critical Phenomenology, Eric J. Mohr (Summer 2014)
The Effects Of Elevated Total Dissolved Solids On The Behavior And Survival Of The Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander, Desmognathus Ochrophaeus, Megan M. Morrissey (Spring 2014)
What Fragments Shore My Ruins?: Identity and Representation in The Eye Of The Mirror, Kindred, and A Wreath Upon The Dead, Shreyashi Mukherjee (Spring 2014)
Are You My Brother's Keeper: Challenging the Systemic Racism That Fosters Low Expectations for Black Males in Public Schools, Shana Denise Nelson ( 2014)
An Ethical Justification for Post-Trial Access to Anti-Retroviral Drugs for Participants and Host Populations in Developing Countries: A Global Justice Perspective, Evaristus Chiedu Obi (Fall 2014)
A Call for Action: Challenging Educator Beliefs and Structures to Support Significant Student Learning, Bryan E. O'Black (Fall 2014)
The Open Class Authorship Attribution Problem: A Comparison of Mixture-of-Experts Methods within the JGAAP Framework, James Orlo Overly (Spring 2014)
The Role of ERK5 in Dopamine Neuronal Survival, Mayur Parmar (Spring 2014)
Design and Synthesis of Pyrimidine Fused Heterocycles as Single Agents with Combination Chemotherapy Potential, Roheeth Pavana (Spring 2014)
Methodology for Trace and Ultratrace Analysis of Primary Amines, Sean Christopher Pawlowski (Fall 2014)
C. S. Lewis and the Premodern Rhetorical Tradition: The Abolition of Man as Rhetoric and Philosophy of Education, Nicholas Ryan Pertler (Fall 2014)
Italian Immigration in the United States, Giuseppe Piccoli (Fall 2014)
Occurrence and Effects Of Repeated Trauma Exposure In Emergency Medical Personnel, Casie Ann Probst (Spring 2014)
Examination of the Influence of Instructional Coaching on Teacher and Principal Behavior, Attitudes, and the Resultant Learning Environment, Cynthia Pulkowski (Spring 2014)
Differences in Perceptions of Student Experiences Between Residential and Commuter Sub-Populations in Higher Education, Alia M. Pustorino (Summer 2014)
Effects of Semantic Feature Analysis+Multimodal Communication Program for Word Retrieval and Switching Behavior in Primary Progressive Aphasia, Alicia M. Rebstock (Summer 2014)
A retrospective data analysis in veterans with inflammatory bowel disease: Using Wagner's Chronic Care Model to explore medication adherence, Lori K. Rizzo (Summer 2014)
Toward a Community-Centric Approach to Address School Discipline Disparity, Jacqueline Roebuck Sakho (Fall 2014)
Crystal structure, electronic structure, and physicochemical characterization of diamond-like semiconductors prepared by high-temperature solid-state synthesis, Kimberly Ann Rosmus ( 2014)
Nietzsche and Comedy: Provocative Laughter Amidst a Tragic Philosophy, Michael C. Rudar (Summer 2014)
Constructions of the Muse: Blues Tribute Poems in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century American Poetry, Emily Rutter ( 2014)
Tackling Urban Poverty in the Secondary Learning Environment, Nina Marie Sacco (Summer 2014)
The Search for Novel Antibiotic Compounds Through Molecular Modeling and Structure-Function Analysis of CspE in E. coli K12, Andre Duane Samuel (Summer 2014)
Being Better at Doing Good: Organizational Engagement and Foreign Management Practices in DPR (North) Korea, Rajarshi Sen (Fall 2014)
Educators' Perceptions of Twitter for Educational Technology Professional Development: A Uses and Gratifications Expectancy Model, Douglas C. Strahler (Fall 2014)
The Role of the B-Type Phospholipases in S. cerevisiae: Function, Regulation, and Physiological Relevance in Lipid Homeostasis, Beth A Surlow (Summer 2014)
Crisis Clinician's Lived Experience of Clinical Supervision, Elizabeth A. Sysak (Fall 2014)
Are Community Food Assistance Programs Meeting the Needs Of Food-Insecure Households in Pittsburgh's North Side Neighborhoods?, Ryan M. Van Dinter (Summer 2014)
Dopamine Transporter (DAT) and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 (MGLU5) Irreversible Probes for Identifying Anti-Psychostimulant Therapeutics, Ranganadh Velagaleti (Spring 2014)
Factors Influencing Nurses' Intentions to Provide Weight Management Education to Hospitalized Obese Adults, Milissa Volino (Summer 2014)
Communication and Response-ability: Levinas and Kierkegaard in Conversation, Beth A. Walter ( 2014)
The Underrepresentation of Black Students in Advanced Placement Classes: A Local Response to a National Issue, Tia Wanzo (Fall 2014)
The Impact of Structured Debriefing, Following Simulation, on BSN Student Development of Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment Skills, Robin Weaver (Summer 2014)
Modulation of Immunity via Antibodies Displayed on in situ Forming Peptide Co-assemblies, Yi Wen (Summer 2014)
The Genetics of Conservation Translocations: A Comparison of North American Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis) and Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Maria Wheeler (Summer 2014)
A Decentralized Approach to Confront the Debasement of Black Male Student Athletes Who Attend PWI'S, Ronald William Whitaker II (Fall 2014)
Parent-Teacher Engagement During Child-Centered Pedgogial Change in Elementary School: The Lived Experiences of Teachers and Involved Parents, Cristiana P. White ( 2014)
The Race for Privilege in Blackness: Transformative Leadership in Traversing Space in Search of Black Queer Cool, Tiffany Wilkins (Fall 2014)
Lipoprotein Subclass Measurements by an Updated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Method in the Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease in Type 1 Diabetes, Qing Xu (Summer 2014)