Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Modeling the Binding of Neurotransmitter Transporter Inhibitors with Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Calculations, Bernandie Jean (Summer 2017)
Theory of Subjectification in Gilles Deleuze: A Study of the Temporality in Capitalism, Boram Jeong (Summer 2017)
Schelling's Ages of the World: The Beginning of the Beginning, Andrew Jussaume (Fall 2017)
An Examination of Different Motivational Orientations That Drive Graduate Students To Continue/Complete Their Education in the U.S, Cebrail Karayigit (Summer 2017)
Structure or Knot: What Phenomenology and Asperger’s Syndrome can Teach Lacanian Psychoanalysis About Subjective Constitution, Shannon D. Kelly (Summer 2017)
Barriers and Facilitators to Diabetes Self-Management in a Primary Care Setting – Patient and Physician Perspectives, Rahul Khairnar (Spring 2017)
Mammography Utilization in African American Women, April D. Kidd (Fall 2017)
Drawing Conclusions about Aphasia: An Examination of the Relationship between Word Retrieval, Drawing, and Semantics, Joanne Kinney (Summer 2017)
Relational Interreligious Dialogue: Interdisciplinary Arguments from Creator/Creature Theology and Quantum Entanglement, Joyce Ann Konigsburg (Spring 2017)
Parents of Children Who Had Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Mixed-Methods, Exploratory Study, Natalene Kramer (Fall 2017)
Experiences and Perceptions of Rural Postpartum Women With Substance Use Disorders Inclusive of Opioids Regarding Their Care, Debra Kramlich (Summer 2017)
Impact of anti-viral immunity on neural stem/progenitor cell activity and implications for CNS development, Apurva Kulkarni (Summer 2017)
Reconstructing the War in Iraq: Post-9/11 American War Fiction in Dialogue with Official-Media Discourse, Ashley Kunsa (Spring 2017)
Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics of the Self: Living in the Truth, Fergus James Laughland (Summer 2017)
A Systems Approach to Moral Distress in Long Term Care, Margaret Lemley (Fall 2017)
My Do Over: A Case Study of an Intentional Focus on Relationship Building, by the School Leadership, in a Newly Formed School, Jean Marie Livingston (Spring 2017)
"Can You Hail Me Now?": Brand, Identity, and Althusserian Ideological Interpellation, Jenna Lo Castro (Fall 2017)
Job Satisfaction and Empowerment of Self-Employed Nurse Practitioners: A Mixed Methods Study, Catherine Lyden (Spring 2017)
Water Quality Analysis of Watersheds in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Linnea Ellen Manley (Spring 2017)
Neuronal GQ Structures in Neurodegeneration, Damian S. McAninch (Summer 2017)
Elemental trauma: A case study of living with contaminated water near sites of Marcellus Shale gas extraction, Christopher John McCann (Summer 2017)
The Ethics of Futility Across the Age Continuum, Katherine D. McCord (Spring 2017)
Integrated Marketing Communication as Epideictic Rhetoric and Its Implications for Ethical Branding, Tricia McFadden (Fall 2017)
Toward a Theory of Action: Opportunities Embedded in Counseling Theory for School Counselors to Improve Their Perceptions of and Approaches toward Their Relationship with Their School Principals, Stephanie A. McHugh (Spring 2017)
Predicting Bankruptcy and Catastrophic Loss: A Portfolio Approach, Michael McKibben (Spring 2017)
Examining the Relationship between Technology & Engineering Instruction and Technology & Engineering Literacy in K-8 Education, Tamarra L. Mitchell (Summer 2017)
Discovery of Pyrimidine-based Heterocycles as Single Agents With Combination Chemotherapy Potential And As Inhibitors Of Purine Nucleotide Biosynthesis For The Treatment of Cancer, Rishabh Mohan (Fall 2017)
A Day Through My Eyes: Improving Visual Perceptual Training For School Staff Members Working With Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Abigail Moonis (Fall 2017)
The Ethical Right to Healthcare in the Affordable Care Act, Stella Morden (Spring 2017)
Improving the Practice and Culture of Early Learning in Ohio, Diana Morello-DeSerio (Fall 2017)
Exiles on Main Street: A Pedagogy of Popular Music Through Technology and Aesthetic Education, Jordan Mroziak (Spring 2017)
Dialogic Praxes in Gabriel Marcel’s Philosophy: Hope for Being in a Technological World, Margaret M. Mullan (Fall 2017)
Examining the Moderating Effects of Racial Socialization on Teacher Discrimination for the Psychological Outcomes of Black Middle School Girls, Kayla Nichols (Summer 2017)
Does Speech-To-Text Assistive Technology Improve the Written Expression of Students with Traumatic Brain Injury?, Michaela Ann Noakes (Summer 2017)
Sacramental Theology of Elochukwu Uzukwu in Light of Vatican II and Its Application in African Contexts, Emmanuel Osigwe (Fall 2017)
A Review of 'Big Data' Variable Selection Procedures For Use in Predictive Modeling, Sarah Papke (Summer 2017)
“Forming Ranks”: The Impact of Negative-Destructive Leadership in The Aftermath of Military Sexual Assault and Reporting, Jessica Payton (Fall 2017)
Effects of Anxiety Treatment Using Coping Cat on Problem Behaviors in the Classroom, Kristen Elise Pearson (Summer 2017)
Counselor Education Unplugged? An Exploration of Current Attitudes Surrounding the Use of Online Learning as a Modality in Graduate Counselor Education, Eric James Perry (Spring 2017)
Core Values of a Benedictine Education, Sr. M. Christine Lauzon Pinto, O.S.B. (Summer 2017)
An Exploration of the Relationships Among Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory-Aligned Cognitive Abilities and Math Fluency, Katherine D. Piselli (Fall 2017)
Phylogeny, Psychology, and the Vicissitudes of Human Development: The Anxiety of Atavism, Frank Pittenger (Fall 2017)
Revamping the United States Organ Donation System: An Ethical Justification for Compensated Live Organ Donation, Jordan Potter (Spring 2017)
An Examination of Factors Affecting Hemoglobin A1c Levels and Self-Care Behaviors among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in the Primary Care Setting, Courtney Daron Proie (Spring 2017)
Getting to the heart of the matter: Understanding relational satisfaction in modern-day couples, Heather Putney (Fall 2017)
Social Metacognition in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments: A Comparison in an Online and Face-To-Face Information Literacy Course, Marcia Elizabeth Rapchak (Summer 2017)
Nitric Oxide Release From Poly(Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid) Nanoparticles and Titanium Alloy, Nina A. Reger (Summer 2017)
A Phenomenological Investigation of Sport and Fandom Through Hans-Georg Gadamer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Alexander Regina (Fall 2017)
Nociceptive Processing in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala, Katelyn Sadler (Spring 2017)
Perceptions of Care During the Prenatal Period: An Ethnonursing Study of African American Childbearing Women in the Military Health System, Thecly Hines Scott (Spring 2017)
Molecular Analysis of the Mating System of a Population of Fantail Darter (Etheostoma flabellare) in Bates Fork, Greene Co., PA, Ashley Seitz (Fall 2017)
Target Based Design and Synthesis of Fused Pyrimidines in the Potential Treatment of Cancer and Opportunistic Infection, Khushbu Shah (Fall 2017)
Workplace Bullying in Certified Rehabilitation Counselors and Levels of Depression as Measured with the BDI®-II AND WPVB, Mary R. Shuma Rudberg (Summer 2017)
Counselor Supervisors' Perceptions of the Importance of Social Justice Competence in Novice Counselors, Elisabeth Bradley Simpson (Summer 2017)
Rationalizing the Band Gap Tunability of Semiconductors via Electronic Structure Calculations, Matthew N. Srnec (Summer 2017)
The Role of Sibling Configuration in Identity and Career Development, Alyssa Sullinger (Fall 2017)
How Can the Use of Human Enhancement (HE) Technologies in the Military Be Ethically Assessed?, Philip Andrew Taraska (Spring 2017)
"What a Poor, Passive Machine": The Psychosomatic Heroine from Richardson to Austen, Sara Elizabeth Tavela (Spring 2017)
An Organizational Ethics Framework to Balance Individual Privacy and Population Interests Regarding Genetic Technologies, Christine Trani (Fall 2017)
Fault Lines, Robert D. Traugh (Spring 2017)
DNA metabarcoding reveals provisioning of pollution-sensitive aquatic insects, resource partitioning, and dietary shifts among breeding Neotropical migratory songbirds in a riparian habitat, Brian K. Trevelline (Fall 2017)
Truth Telling Beyond Borders: An African Perspective, John Twinomujuni (Spring 2017)
Burden of Illness and Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor in Cystic Fibrosis, Pratyusha Vadagam (Fall 2017)
The Salvation of the Cosmos: Benedict XVI's Eschatology and its Relevance for the Current Ecological Crisis, Jeremiah Vallery (Fall 2017)
Exploring the Concept of Self-Creativity Through the Validation of a New Survey Measure, Alexandra Danae Varela (Fall 2017)
Development of Binary Composite Solid Microparticles for Improved Intranasal Absorption of Low Permeation Drug Molecules, Dipy Madhukar Vasa (Spring 2017)
Perceptions of Disability, Identity, Agency, Goal Attainment, and Young Adult Disability Programs, Rachel Elizabeth Kallem Whitman (Spring 2017)
Race, Retreat, and Refuge: Black Voices, American Nature Writing, and Ecocritical Exile, Bryon Patrick Williams (Spring 2017)
Techno-Salvation: Developing a Christian Hermeneutic of Enhancement Technology, Richard Landrum Wilson (Spring 2017)
The Utility of a Theoretical Framework of a Culture of Leadership, James E. Wortman (Spring 2017)
The Experiences of Registered Nurses Injured by Interpersonal Violence while on Duty in an Emergency Department, Salena Wright-Brown (Spring 2017)
Improving Metacognitive Awareness and Authentic Teaching Practices through Scaffolding Goal Setting and Reflective Practices with ECD Majors at the Community College Level, Melanie Renee Yeschenko (Summer 2017)
Primate proteomic composition of seminal plasma and prostate-specific transglutaminase activity in relation to sexual selection., Amanda M.C. Zielen (Fall 2017)
An Investigation of Geriatric Microaggressions, Relations with Depression in Later Life, and the Moderating Effect of Coping, Lisa Zimmerman (Summer 2017)
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Effect of Melatonin Upon Post-Acute Withdrawal Among Males in a Residential Treatment Program (M-Paws): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial, Corry D. Bondi (Fall 2016)
Conflict and Reconciliation: Representations of Christianity in Contemporary Native American Literature by Women, Rachel Luckenbill (Summer 2016)
Heidegger and Deleuze: The Groundwork of Evental Ontology, James Scott Bahoh (Spring 2016)
Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body: An Analysis of the Historical Development of Doctrine in the Catholic Tradition, John Segun Odeyemi (Spring 2016)
Reading the Vietnam War and Encountering Other Others: Race and Ethnicity in American Novels of the Vietnam War, Erin Marie Rentschler (Spring 2016)
Justice Denied: Low Submission Rates of Sexual Assault Kits and The Predicting Variables, Julie Valentine (Spring 2016)
Kant With Foucault: On The Dangers Of The Theoretical Reification Of The Subject To Freedom And The Need For A Practical Psychology, Matthew Gordon Valentine (Spring 2016)
The Development of a New Model for Assessing African-American Spirituality in Palliative Care, John C. Welch (Spring 2016)
Thinking without Concepts: The Aesthetic Role of Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique, Stephanie Adair (Spring 2016)
Christian Supersessionism and the Dilemma of Dialogue in Jos Nigeria: Exploring Panikkar’s Dialogical Dialogue as a Paradigm for Interreligious Dialogue, Martin Ahiaba (Fall 2016)
An Examination of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers' Integration of Technology into Instructional Activities Using a Cognitive Demand Perspective and Levels of Technology Implementation, Ahmet Oguz Akcay (Spring 2016)
International Students in Supervision: Multicultural Discussions as a Moderator between Supervision Related Constructs: Acculturation, Counselor Self-Efficacy, Supervisory Working Alliance, and Role Ambiguity, Mehmet Nurullah Akkurt (Spring 2016)
How Can a Focus on the Ethical Notions of Dignity and Respect for Autonomy Help to Improve Healthcare for Elderly People in Islamic Countries?, Abeer Alamri (Spring 2016)
How Can a Focus on the Ethical Notions of Dignity and Respect for Autonomy Help to Improve Healthcare for Elderly People in Islamic Countries?, Abeer Alamri (Summer 2016)
The Ethical Justification of Extending Holistic Care to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Kaneen Bree Allen ( 2016)
Creation in the Image of God: Human Uniqueness From the Akan Religious Anthropology to the Renewal of Christian Anthropology, Eric Baffoe Antwi (Spring 2016)
Transnational Public Relations in Postcolonial Spaces: Making Space for other Discourses in the Afghan Public Sphere, Arshia Anwer (Summer 2016)
Marriage in the 21st Century: From a State of Confusion to a State of Being, Gemma Margaret Anne Barriteau (Summer 2016)
Accounting for Correlation in the Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials with Multiple Layers of Clustering, Adam Baumgardner (Spring 2016)
The Social Obligation to Reduce Stigma in Order to Increase Utilization of Mental Health Services, Melissa Sue Berdell (Spring 2016)
Improving Patient Safety as a Function of Organizational Ethics in the Delivery of Healthcare in Saudi Arabia, Rasha M. Bokhari (Spring 2016)
Decolonizing Revelation: A Spatial Reading of the Blues, Rufus Burnett Jr. ( 2016)
The Moderating Role of Body Appreciation on the Feminine Ideology and Aggression, Julie Buzgon (Summer 2016)
Cymatic Revelations, Thomas B. Carraher (Spring 2016)
Perception and Language: Using the Rorschach with People with Aphasia, V. Terri Collin Dilmore (Summer 2016)
René Girard, Sacrifice, and the Eucharist, Michael Joseph Darcy (Fall 2016)